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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog

2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Automotive Technology
Title: Honda Professional Automotive Career Training A.A.S.

Note: This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible. For more information, please visit:

(Associate of Applied Science Degree)

Eastfield campus only

  • Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: AAS.AT.HONDA.PROF

Students pursuing this degree must meet the following requirements:

  • Pass the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) or SAT or ACT.
  • Score 40 or higher on the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test.
  • One letter of recommendation from an employer or teacher.
  • Valid driver's license, with less than three moving violations.
  • No DUI/DWIs, no felonies.
  • Valid social security number or U.S. work permit.
  • Take two Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Honda Professional Automotive Career Training (PACT) program is a specialized program designed to prepare students for entry-level employment as a service technician at a Honda or Acura dealership.

Upon completion of the two-year program, students will earn an Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology Honda PACT Degree and factory certification. Students are encouraged to gain sponsorship/employment from a participating Honda/Acura dealership approved by Dallas College upon entering the program. They are required to have this sponsorship/paid internship/employment at a Honda/Acura dealer for at least 640 hours as a technician in order to receive the Honda Professional Automotive Career Training degree and factory certification.

Emphasis is placed upon the development of the necessary hands-on skills and knowledge required to function in Honda/Acura dealerships repairing and maintaining Honda/Acura model automobiles with electronic systems. This program includes operational theory, practical skills, and accepted shop procedures reinforced by intensive practice during cooperative work experience periods in the sponsoring dealership.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
AUMT 1305 Introduction to Automotive Technology 3
AUMT 1307 Automotive Electrical Systems 3
AUMT 1312 Basic Automotive Service 3
ENGL 1301 Composition 1 3
Semester Total 12
Course Course Title Credit Hours
AUMT 1316 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems 3
AUMT 1310 Automotive Brake Systems 3
AUMT 2311 Automotive Electronic Controls 3
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
Semester Total 12
Course Course Title Credit Hours
AUMT 1306 Automotive Engine Removal and Installation 3
AUMT 1319 Automotive Engine Repair 3
+Elective MATH Elective 3
Semester Total 9
Course Course Title Credit Hours
AUMT 1345 Automotive Climate Control Systems 3
AUMT 2317 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis 1 3
AUMT 2321 Automotive Electrical Diagnosis and Repair 3
AUMT 2334 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis 2 3
++Elective Humanities/Fine Arts 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
AUMT 2325 Automotive Automatic Transmission and Transaxle 3
AUMT 2313 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 3
AUMT 2380 Cooperative Education-Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician 3
+++Elective Social/Behavioral Science 3
Semester Total 12
Minimum Hours Required 60

+MATH Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Mathematics.

++Humanities/Fine Arts Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Humanities/Fine Arts.

+++Social/Behavioral Science Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Social/Behavioral Sciences.

NOTE: Some students enrolling in this program may plan to transfer to four-year institutions. They should consult with an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and to identify how courses will transfer to the four year institution of their choice.