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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog

2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Commercial Music
Title: Composition Certificate

(Level 1 Certificate)

Cedar Valley campus only

  • Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: C1.CM.COMPOSITION.21

This program is designed to prepare musicians to compose music for the dynamic commercial music industry. In addition to preparing the student to compose, arrange and orchestrate original melodies in commercial idioms (including jazz, rock, pop, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, Electronic Dance Music (EDM), film, video game, etc.); students are given a firm foundation in fundamentals of music theory, ear training, ensembles, and music notation technology. Emphasis is placed on relevance to the demands of the current music industry and the specific needs of each commercial music student composer.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
MUSC 1313 Commercial Music Theory 1 3
+Elective Commercial Music Ensemble (one course) OR 1
++Elective Applied Commercial Music (1)
MUSC 2330 Commercial Music Arranging and Composition 3
MUSP 2103 Commercial Class Piano OR 1
MUSP 1110 Applied Commercial Music: Piano OR (1)
MUSP 1123 Applied Commercial Music: Synthesizer (1)
+Elective Commercial Music Ensemble (one course) 1
++Elective Applied Commercial Music (two 1-CR hour courses or one 2-CR hour course) 2
MUSC 2141 Forum/Recital 1
Semester Total 12
Course Course Title Credit Hours
MUSC 1311 Commercial Music Sight Singing and Ear Training 1 3
+Elective Commercial Music Ensemble (one course) OR 1
++Elective Applied Commercial Music (1)
MUSP 1110 Applied Commercial Music: Piano OR 1
MUSP 1123 Applied Commercial Music: Synthesizer (1)
MUSC 2319 Commercial Orchestration 3
MUSC 2355 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) 2 3
+Elective Commercial Music Ensemble (one course) 1
++Elective Applied Commercial Music (two 1-CR hour courses or one 2-CR hour course) 2
MUSC 2141 Forum/Recital 1
Semester Total 15
Minimum Hours Required 27

+Ensemble Elective - must be selected from the following:

Course Course Title Credit Hours
MUSP 1142 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 1
MUSP 1150 Small Commercial Music Ensemble: Jazz 1
MUSP 1151 Small Commercial Music Ensemble: Recording 1
MUSP 1153 Small Commercial Music Ensemble: Rock 1
MUSP 2106 Commercial Vocal Ensemble: General 1

NOTE: All Ensembles are intended for repeatability for advanced practice. A student can take the same ensemble multiple times in different semesters or take different ensembles.

++Applied Music Elective - must be selected from the following. NOTE: Student has an option to take two 1-credit hour courses or one 2-credit hour course:

Course Course Title Credit Hours
MUSP 1101 Applied Commercial Music: Arranging and Composition 1
MUSP 1104 Applied Commercial Music: Bass Guitar 1
MUSP 1105 Applied Commercial Music: Commercial Guitar 1
MUSP 1110 Applied Commercial Music: Piano 1
MUSP 1117 Applied Commercial Music: Percussion 1
MUSP 1123 Applied Commercial Music: Synthesizer 1
MUSP 1127 Applied Commercial Music: Voice 1
MUSP 1201 Applied Commercial Music: Arranging and Composition 2
MUSP 1204 Applied Commercial Music: Bass Guitar 2
MUSP 1205 Applied Commercial Music: Commercial Guitar 2
MUSP 1210 Applied Commercial Music: Piano 2
MUSP 1217 Applied Commercial Music: Percussion 2
MUSP 1223 Applied Commercial Music: Synthesizer 2
MUSP 1227 Applied Commercial Music: Voice 2

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.