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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog

2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Digital Art and Design
Title: Digital Interface Design Certificate

(Level 1 Certificate)

Brookhaven, North Lake and Richland campus only

  • Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: C1.DAD.DIG.INTER

The Digital Interface Design Certificate curriculum is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions as Web Developers. The emphasis is on website technical development, which includes networking, database concepts, and web authoring with programming languages and software to create interactive and dynamic websites and web applications.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTC 1302 Digital Imaging 1 3
ARTC 1305 Basic Graphic Design 3
ARTC 1353 Computer Illustration 3
UXUI 1372 User Interface Design 1 3
IMED 1316 Web Design 1 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTC 1359 Visual Design for New Media 3
IMED 1345 Interactive Digital Media 1 OR 3
ARTV 1351 Digital Video (3)
IMED 2313 Project Analysis and Design 3
UXUI 1374 Introduction to UX Tools 3
IMED 2315 Web Design 2 3
Semester Total 15
Minimum Hours Required 30

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.