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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog

2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Digital Art and Design
Title: Experience Design/User Interface (UX/UI) A.A.S.

(Associate of Applied Science Degree)

Brookhaven and North Lake campus only
  • Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: AAS.DAD.ED.UXUI

The Experience Design/User Interface program will provide the foundational knowledge to prepare graduates to enter the user experience design industry. The students will develop skills in planning, producing and evaluating UX design elements needed for industry applications.

A focus will be on design strategy, research, user centered and prototyping design and coding. Students will gain applied understanding, and practical knowledge of relevant UX/UI methods and deliverables.

The Experience Design/User Interface Associate of Applied Science Degree is awarded for successful completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours that include a common core of academic courses and a selection of technical courses specifically in UX/UI design. The degree is designed to be completed in two years.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTC 1302 Digital Imaging 1 3
ARTC 1353 Computer Illustration 3
ARTC 1305 Basic Graphic Design 3
UXUI 1370 Principles of User Experience Design 3
ENGL 1301 Composition 1 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
UXUI 1372 User Interface Design 1 3
UXUI 1373 Responsive Design 1 3
UXUI 1374 Introduction to UX Tools 3
ARTC 1317 Design Communication 1 3
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning) OR 3
MATH 1314 College Algebra (3)
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
UXUI 2373 Responsive Design 2 3
UXUI 2372 User Interface Design 2 3
UXUI 2377 Interaction Design 3
ARTC 2317 Typographic Design 3
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology OR 3
PSYC 2301 General Psychology (3)
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
UXUI 2375 Introduction to App Design 3
UXUI 2379 Applied UX Lab 3
UXUI 2374 Portfolio Design for UX/UI Design OR 3
UXUI 2378 Cooperative Education-UX UI Design (3)
ARTS 1303 Art History 1 3
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication OR 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking (3)
Semester Total 15
Minimum Hours Required 60

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.