2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Substance Abuse Counseling
Title: Substance Abuse Counseling A.A.S.
Note: This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible. For more information, please visit: https://www.dallascollege.edu/hb1508.
(Associate of Applied Science Degree)
- Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
- Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.
Degree Plan Code: AAS.SUBABUSE.COUN.19
The Substance Abuse Counseling Program is designed to prepare qualified and competent graduates to enter the field of human services and to provide specialized services to individuals and their families who are experiencing the affects of substance abuse. Completers of the program will have the necessary educational requirements to become eligible for testing and licensure as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC). Students will gain required work experience as Counselor Interns (CI) upon completion of the required hours of classroom instruction. A special section of cooperative work experience will provide a structured supervised practicum in off-campus approved laboratory training sites.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SCWK 1321 | Orientation to Social Services | 3 |
SCWK 2311 | Interviewing and Counseling Theories | 3 |
DAAC 1304 | Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders | 3 |
PSYC 2301 | General Psychology | 3 |
ENGL 1301 | Composition 1 | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SOCI 2340 | Drug Use and Abuse | 3 |
SCWK 2301 | Assessment and Case Management | 3 |
SPCH 1311 | Introduction to Speech Communication | 3 |
DAAC 2330 | Multicultural Counseling | 3 |
SCWK 1305 | Group Work Intervention | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
DAAC 2341 | Counseling of Substance Use Disorders | 3 |
DAAC 2307 | Family Intervention with Substance Use Disorders | 3 |
SCWK 2305 | Special Problems of Youth | 3 |
SCWK 2331 | Abnormal Behavior | 3 |
DAAC 1309 | Assessment of Substance Use Disorders | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
+Elective | Social Work Designated Elective (one course) | 3 |
SOCI 1301 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
DAAC 2366 | Practicum (or Field Experience)-Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling | 3 |
BIOL 1322 | Nutrition and Diet Therapy | 3 |
++Elective | Humanities/Fine Arts | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Minimum Hours Required | 60 |
+Social Work Designated Elective - must be selected from the following:
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CRIJ 1307 | Crime in America | 3 |
DAAC 1391 | Special Topics in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling | 3 |
SCWK 1313 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 |
SCWK 2307 | Human Behavior and the Social Environment | 3 |
++Humanities/Fine Arts Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Humanities/Fine Arts.
NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.