2022 - 2023 Catalog
IncludED is a collaborative initiative between Dallas College and our campus bookstore partner, Follett. IncludED is designed to make the college experience more affordable and accessible for *students. Fall 2020 semester, IncludED bundles students' class needs with the cost of tuition.
Learn more about:
- IncludED program,
- How to participate in the program,
- Cost benefits,
- How to obtain your learning materials,
- How books are distributed,
- How to return books,
- Frequently asked questions, and
- Who to contact if you have specific questions.
Effective fall 2020 semester, students at Dallas College will be automatically enrolled in the IncludED program on a semester-by-semester basis. If you do not wish to take advantage of the opportunity to save as much as 50% for your learning materials, you will be given a chance to opt-out of IncludED during the registration process.
Note: Early College and Dual Credit students will participate through their designated high school. Dallas College is not currently including Continuing Education courses in IncludED.