2022 - 2023 Catalog
Students' Rights and Responsibilities
- You have the right to know...
- What financial aid programs are available at Dallas College
- The deadline for submitting applications for each of the programs
- How financial aid will be distributed, how decisions on distributions are made, and the basis for those decisions
- How your cost of attendance or financial aid budget was determined
- What resources (your current assets, parental contribution, other financial aid, etc.) were considered in calculating your need
- How much of your financial need, as determined by the college, has been met
- The details of the various programs in your student aid package
- What portion of the financial aid you received must be repaid and what portion is grant aid
- For any aid that is a loan, the interest rate, the total amount that must be repaid, the repayment options and procedures
- How Dallas College determines if you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and what happens if you are not meeting the requirements.
- As a financial aid recipient, you must...
- Complete all required forms accurately and submit them on time to the proper site or location
- Be responsible for reading, understanding and complying with the information that appears on all forms that you sign
- Read and understand the published Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy for federal financial aid recipient requirements
- Read and understand the published Texas Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for state financial aid recipient requirements
- Read and understand the Title IV Return of Funds regulations. Report changes in name, postal mailing address, email address and phone number to the Financial Aid Office and Admissions and Student Records/Registrar's Office