2021 - 2022 Catalog
Recommended Course SequenceProgram: Engineering
Degree Plan: Associate of Science Degree in Software Engineering (Richland/UTD)
Degree Plan: Associate of Science Degree in Software Engineering (Richland/UTD)
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENGL 1301 (CB010) | Composition I (A grade of "C" or better is required.) |
3 |
HIST 1301 (CB060) | United States History | 3 |
MATH 2413 (CB020) | Calculus I (A grade of "C" or better is required.) |
4 |
Creative Arts (CB050) | Select ONE of the following: ARTS 1301, 1303, 1304 DANC 2303 DRAM 1310, 2361, 2366 HUMA 1311, 1315 MUSI 1306, 1307, 1310 |
3 |
Semester Total | 13 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ENGL 1302 (CB010) | Composition II | 3 |
Language, Philosophy and Culture (CB040) | Select ONE of the following: ENGL 2321, 2322, 2323, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2341, 2351 HUMA 1302, 1305, 2319 PHIL 1301, 1304, 2306, 2307, 2316, 2321 |
3 |
American History (CB060) | Select ONE of the following: HIST 1302, 2301, 2328, 2381 |
3 |
GOVT 2305 | Federal Government | 3 |
Semester Total | 12 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Life and Physical Sciences (CB030) | Select EACH of the following: PHYS 2425 and PHYS 2426 |
8 |
GOVT 2306 (CB070) | Texas Government | 3 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences (CB080) | Select ONE of the following: ANTH 2302, 2346, 2351 BIOL 1322 COMM 1307 CRIJ 1301, 1307 ECON 1301, 2301, 2302 GEOG 1302, 1303 GOVT 2304, 2311 HIST 2321, 2322, 2327 PHED 1304 PSYC 2301, 2306, 2314, 2316 SOCI 1301, 1306, 2301, 2306, 2319 TECA 1303, 1354 |
3 |
Semester Total | 14 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
COSC 1436 | Programming Fundamentals I | 4 |
COSC 1437 | Programming Fundamentals II | 4 |
COSC 2436 | Programming Fundamentals III | 4 |
ENGR 2105 | Electrical Circuits I Laboratory | 1 |
MATH 2414 (CB020) | Calculus II | 4 |
MATH 2418 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
Semester Total | 21 |
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