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Dallas College Catalog filtered for Eastfield Campus
2021 - 2022 Dallas College Catalog
Catalog Filter(s): Eastfield Campus (remove)

2021 - 2022 Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Program: Transfer Program
Degree Plan: Associate of Science Degree

General Elective for this A.S. Degree
Credit Hours
Select at least six (6) hours from the following prefixes:
AGRI, BIOL, BCIS, CHEM, COSC, ENGR, ENVR, GEOL, MATH, PHYS, or ANTH 2401. NOTE: In this degree, courses cannot be used to satisfy both the Core Curriculum and six hours of general-elective requirements.

Select remaining *nine (9) hours of general-elective courses from any college-level course.


  • In this degree, courses cannot be used to satisfy both the Core Curriculum and general-elective requirements.
  • Computer Literacy: If a student successfully completes **BCIS 1305, **BCIS 1405, **COSC 1301, ITSC 1401, POFI 1301, or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better, the course will satisfy 3-4 credit hours of general-elective requirements.
  • **Note: Student must have taken courses within the last 10 years.


1ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 - A grade of "C" or better is required.

2EDUC 1300: A student must successfully complete EDUC 1300 within the first 12 (twelve) college-credit hours of general-elective requirements.

3Mathematics Requirement (A grade of "C" or better is required.)
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1350, 1414, 1442, 2412, 2413, 2414. If a student takes the four (4) credit hour mathematics course; three (3) of those hours will apply towards the mathematics requirement. The remaining one (1) credit hour from that mathematics course will be applied to the general elective requirement and does not count towards the 42-hour Core.

4Life and Physical Sciences - This requirement cannot be met using the following combinations: BIOL 1406 and 1408; BIOL 1407 and 1409; BIOL 2420 and 2421; CHEM 1405 and 1411; CHEM 1406 and 1411; CHEM 1405 and 1406; CHEM 1406 and 1407; GEOL 1401 and 1403; PHYS 1401 and 1405; PHYS 1401 and 2425; PHYS 1405 and 2425.

View the full Degree/Certificate page for this award