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Dallas College Catalog filtered for Eastfield Campus
2021 - 2022 Dallas College Catalog
Catalog Filter(s): Eastfield Campus (remove)

2021 - 2022 Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Program: Associate of Arts in Teaching
Degree Plan: Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree -- Leading to Initial Texas Teacher Certification in Mathematics, 8-12

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ENGL 1301 (CB 010) Composition I 3
HIST 1301 (CB 060) United States History 3
Mathematics (CB 020) Select ONE of the following:

(A grade of "C" or better is required.)
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1342, 1350
Creative Arts (CB 050) Select ONE of the following:

ARTS 1301, 1303, 1304 DANC 2303 DRAM 1310, 2361, 2366 HUMA 1311, 1315 MUSI 1306, 1307, 1310
Semester Total 12
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ENGL 1302 (CB 010) Composition II 3
American History (CB 060) Select ONE of the following:
HIST 1302, 2301, 2328, 2381
GOVT 2305 (CB 070) Federal Government 3
Component Area Option (CB 090) Select ONE of the following options:

Option A: SPCH 1311, 1315, 1321 or SGNL 1301, 1302 and PHED 1164


Option B: FOREIGN LANGUAGE - ARAB 1411, 1412; CHIN 1411, 1412; FREN 1411, 1412; GERM 1411, 1412; ITAL 1411, 1412; JAPN 1411, 1412; KORE 1411, 1412; PORT 1411, 1412; RUSS 1411, 1412; SPAN 1411, 1412
Social and Behavioral Sciences (CB 080) Select ONE of the following:

ANTH 2302, 2346, 2351

COMM 1307

CRIJ 1301, 1307

ECON 1301, 2301, 2302

GEOG 1302, 1303

GOVT 2304, 2311

HIST 2321, 2322, 2327

PHED 1304

PSYC 2301, 2306, 2314, 2316

SOCI 1301, 1306, 2301, 2306, 2319

TECA 1303, 1354
Semester Total 16
Course Course Title Credit Hours
GOVT 2306 (CB 070) Texas Government 3
Life and Physical Sciences 1 (CB 030) Select TWO of the following:

ANTH 2401, BIOL 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1411, 2401, 2402, 2406, 2416, 2420, 2421 CHEM 1405, 1406, 1407, 1411, 1412, 2423, 2425 ENVR 1401, 1402 GEOL 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1445, 1447 PHYS 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407, 1415, 1417, 2425, 2426
Language, Philosophy and Culture (CB 040) Select ONE of the following:

ENGL 2321, 2322, 2323, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2341, 2351 HUMA 1302, 1305, 2319 PHIL 1301, 1304, 2307, 2316, 2321
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: ARAB 2311, 2312; CHIN 2311, 2312; FREN 2311, 2312; GERM 2311, 2312; ITAL 2311, 2312; JAPN 2311, 2312; KORE 2311, 2312; PORT 2311, 2312; RUSS 2311, 2312; SGNL 2301, 2302; SPAN 2311, 2312
Semester Total 14
Core Credit Hours for this A.A.T. Degree 42
Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3
EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations 3
Math Requirements2 Select 12 additional hours (beyond the Core requirement) in Math from the following:

MATH 1314 or 1414
MATH 1316
MATH 1324
MATH 1332
MATH 1342,
MATH 2412
MATH 2413
MATH 2414
MATH 2415
MATH 2318 or 2418
MATH 2320 or 2420
MATH 2305
Semester Total 18

*Note: Student must have taken courses within the last 10 years.

1Life and Physical Sciences - This requirement cannot be met using the following combinations: BIOL 1406 and 1408; BIOL 1407 and 1409; BIOL 2420 and 2421; CHEM 1405 and 1411; CHEM 1406 and 1411; CHEM 1405 and 1406; CHEM 1406 and 1407; GEOL 1401 and 1403; PHYS 1401 and 1405; PHYS 1401 and 2425; PHYS 1405 and 2425.

2Courses previously taken cannot be used to satisfy both the Core and a requirement in this group.

View the full Degree/Certificate page for this award