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Dallas College Catalog filtered for Eastfield Campus
2021 - 2022 Dallas College Catalog
Catalog Filter(s): Eastfield Campus (remove)

2021 - 2022 Catalog
Recommended Course Sequence
Program: Bachelor of Applied Science
Degree Plan: Bachelor of Applied Science Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ENGL 1301 Composition 1 3
HIST 1301 US History I 3
TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development 3
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I OR 4
BIOL 2406 Environmental Biology (4)
Semester 1 Total 16
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ENGL 1302 Composition 2 3
MATH 1314 College Algebra 3
GEOL 1401 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I OR 4
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology (4)
TECA 1311 Educating Young Children* 3

*Note: This course replaced BIOL 1322 currently in the AAT award.
Semester 2 Total 13

Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3
MATH 1350 Mathematics for Teachers 1 3

Language, Philosophy,
and Culture (CB 040)

Select ONE course from any of the following groups:

Group 1: ENGL 2321, 2322, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2341, or 2351

Group 2: HUMA 1302, 1305, or 2319

Group 3: PHIL 1301, 1304, 2306, 2307, 2316, or 2321

Group 4: Select any CB040 2311 or 2312 Foreign Language course from the following prefixes: ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, ITAL, JAPN, KORE, PORT, RUSS, or SPAN

PHYS 1405 Elementary Physics I OR 4
PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (4)
Semester 3 Total 16
Course Course Title Credit Hours
HIST 1302 United States History 2 OR 3
HIST 2301 Texas History (3)
GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3
MATH 1351 Mathematics for Teachers 2 3

Creative Arts (CB 050)

Select ONE of the following:
ARTS 1301, 1303, or 1304
DANC 2303
DRAM 1310, 2361, or 2366
HUMA 1311, or 1315
MUSI 1306, 1307, or 1310


>EDUC 2301

Introduction to Special Populations

Semester 4 Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDEL 3318 Methods of Teaching Geometry^ 3
EDEL 4301 Methods of Teaching Social Studies^ 3
EDTP 3301 Foundations of Inclusion and Differentiation for Special Populations^ 3
EDEC 3301 Supervised Experiences with Infants and Toddlers 3
EDLL 3301 Language Literacy Acquisition^ 3
Semester 5 Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDLL 3305 Foundations in Reading Instruction: The Science of Teaching Reading^ 3
EDEL 4302 Methods of Teaching Elementary Science^ 3
EDEL 4303 Methods of Teaching Elementary Mathematics^ 3
EDTP 3303 Behavior Management in Special Populations 3
EDEC 3302 Supervised Experiences with Young Children^ 3
Semester 6 Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDEC 3303 Child and Adolescent Guidance^ 3
EDEC 3305 Prenatal and Infant Development^ 3
EDIT 3310 Instructional Technology^ 3
EDTP 3305 Designing Asssments for General and Special Populations^ 3
EDEL 4311 Student Teaching/Clinical Apprenticeship 1 ^ 3
Semester 7 Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
EDTP 4310 Literacy in the Content Areas with Special Populations^ 3
EDTP 4315 Advanced Methods for Teaching Special
EDEC 3307 Development During Early Childhood^ 3
EDEC 3309 Development in Cross-Culture Perspective^ 3
EDEL 4312 Student Teaching/Clinical
Apprenticeship 2 ^
Semester 8 Total 15
Minimum Hours Required 120

Prefix Legend:

EDEC -- Education: Early Childhood
EDTP -- Education: Teacher Preparation
EDEL -- Education: Elementary Education
EDLL -- Education: Language and Literacy
EDIT -- Education: Information/Technology

Suffix Legend:

3XXX Upper-Level Courses: Junior Level
4XXX Upper-Level Courses: Senior Level

*Note: Prescribed Elective Course Choices Include:
EDIT 3310 (Instructional Technology)
EDTP 3307 (Educational Programs and Services for Special Populations)
EDLL 3301 (Language Literacy Acquisition)
EDEC 3311 (Theories of Human Development and Family Studies)

^ Indicates Prerequisites and Restrictions Apply:

  • Student must obtain consent of School leadership or department dean
  • Students must meet upper-level course requirements* and complete Program Acknowledgement Form to enroll in upper-level courses
    • *student must satisfy all Texas Core Curriculum requirements
    • *a minimum of a 2.5 GPA is required to attempt upper-level coursework in the BASE ECE program
  • A minimum of a 2.75 GPA is required for all coursework in the BAS ECE program*.
    • *At any time a student falls under the GPA requirement and is no longer in good standing (defined by the student's grade point average for attempted courses in the program) the student is required to meet with their Success Coach and BAS ECE Program Leadership and enter into a Probationary Contract. A Probationary Contract serves as a formal agreement between the student and the institution and outlines all steps a student must take to continue in the program.
  • Additional course specific prerequisites may apply.

Additional Notes:

  • EDEL 3318 requires a "C" or better in MATH 1350 and MATH 1351.
  • EDEL 4311 (Student Teaching/Clinical Apprenticeship I) and EDEL 4312 (Student Teaching/Clinical Apprenticeship II) require special approval from department to begin student teaching. These courses are taken in sequence.
  • EDEC 3301 (Supervised Experiences with Infants and Toddlers) and EDEC 3302 (Supervised Experiences with Young Children) are taken in sequence and must be completed prior to student teaching.

Courses in the 3rd and 4th years of the bachelor's degree program are field based. Students should anticipate spending time in work-based education settings that are aligned with course material. Students will be supported by the School of Education and by program leadership in identifying these work-based learning experiences.

View the full Degree/Certificate page for this award