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2021 - 2022 Dallas College Catalog
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2021 - 2022 Catalog
Program: Digital Art and Design
Degree Plan: Digital Art and Design A.A.S.

Attention: Students who were under the previous degree plan code of: AAS.DAD.DIG.ART.20. If you have questions regarding the completion of your program of study; Please consult with a student success coach at your campus or online here.

(Associate of Applied Science Degree)

Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, North Lake, and Richland campus only

New January 1, 2022

  • Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code:

  • Track A - Visual Design: AAS.DAD.VISUAL
  • Track B - Digital Interface Design: AAS.DAD.DIG.INTER
  • Track C - Animation: AAS.DAD.ANIMATION

The Digital Art and Design Program at Dallas College is designed for students to develop their work engaging in conversations regarding how art and digital art shape modern society. Students in this program build technical and formal skills with which to expand the possibilities of design and art in career paths appropriate to their own interests and abilities. This degree is dedicated to educating designers through real world hands-on technology and conceptual skills, imagination, and theory. It encourages artists to incorporate these skills, a broad landscape of visual language, and experience into various fields.


Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTS 1311 Design 1 3
ARTC 1305 Basic Graphic Design 3
ARTC 1302 Digital Imaging 1 3
ARTC 1353 Computer Illustration 3
ENGL 1301 Composition 1 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTC 2317 Typographic Design 3
IMED 1316 Web Design 1 3
+Designated Elective 1 Track (A, B or C) 3
+Designated Elective 2 Track (A, B or C) 3
++Elective Humanities/Fine Arts 3
Semester Total 15


Course Course Title Credit Hours
BUSI 1301 Business Principles OR 3
MRKG 1311 Principles of Marketing 3
+Designated Elective 3 Track (A, B or C) 3
+Designated Elective 4 Track (A, B or C) 3
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning) OR 3
MATH 1314 College Algebra 3
+++Elective Social/Behavioral Science 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
+Designated Elective 5 Track (A, B or C) 3
+Designated Elective 6 Track (A, B or C) 3
+Designated Elective 7 Track (A, B or C) 3
++++Elective Designated Capstone 3
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication OR 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking (3)
Semester Total 15
Minimum Hours Required 60

+Designated Electives - Student must choose courses from one of the following corresponding Tracks A, B, or C and pursue only one Track for this AAS.

Track A - Visual Design (AAS.DAD.VISUAL)

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTS 2356 Photography I OR 3
ARTC 1309 Basic Illustration 3
ARTC 1317 Design Communications 1 3
ARTC 1313 Digital Publishing 1 3
ARTC 2305 Digital Imaging 2 3
ARTC 2313 Digital Publishing 2 3
ARTV 1351 Digital Video OR 3
ARTC 2347 Design Communications 2 3
ARTS 1316 Drawing 1 3

Track B - Digital Interface Design (AAS.DAD.DIG.INTER)

Course Course Title Credit Hours
IMED 1341 Interface Design 3
IMED 1345 Interactive Digital Media 1 OR 3
ARTV 1351 Digital Video (3)
ARTC 1359 Visual Design for New Media 3
IMED 2315 Web Design 2 3
IMED 2351 Digital Media Programming OR 3
ITSE 1311 Beginning Web Programming (3)
IMED 2313 Project Analysis and Design 3
ARTC 1392 Special Topics in Design and Visual Communications 3

Track C - Animation (AAS.DAD.ANIMATION)

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTV 1345 3-D Modeling and Rendering 1 3
ARTV 1303 Basic Animation 3
ARTS 1316 Drawing 1 3
ARTV 2301 2D Animation 1 3
ARTV 2345 3-D Modeling and Rendering 2 3
ARTV 1341 3-D Animation 1 3
ARTV 1351 Digital Video 3

++Humanities/Fine Arts Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Humanities/Fine Arts.

+++Social/Behavioral Science Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Social/Behavioral Science.

++++Designated Capstone List - Student must choose a capstone course in the equivalent specialty area as the Designated Elective Track chosen above.

Visual Design Capstone

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTC 2335 Portfolio Development for Graphic Design OR 3
ARTC 2380 Cooperative Education-Commercial and Advertising Art (3)

Digital Interface Design Capstone

Course Course Title Credit Hours
IMED 2311 Portfolio Development OR 3
IMED 2388 Internship - Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia (3)

Animation Capstone

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ARTV 2335 Portfolio Development for Animation OR 3
ARTC 2380 Cooperative Education-Commercial and Advertising Art (3)

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.