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2021 - 2022 Catalog
Course Descriptions for ITSC

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Course Number: ITSC 1164 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Practicum (or Field Experience) – Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Practical, general workplace training supported by an individualized learning plan developed by the employer, college, and student. (10 EXT.)

Course Number: ITSC 1166 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Practicum (or Field Experience) – Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Practical, general workplace training supported by an individualized learning plan developed by the employer, college, and student. (10 EXT.)

Course Number: ITSC 1171 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Introduction to Computers

This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: Overview of computer information systems. Introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, and human resources. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (1 Lec., 1 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1191 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Special Topics in Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (1 Lec.)

Course Number: ITSC 1291 (2 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC

Course Title: Special Topics in Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec.)

Course Number: ITSC 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Introduction to Computers

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Overview of computer information systems. Introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, and human resources. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1401. The student may register for either ITSC 1301 or ITSC 1401 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1315 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Project Management Software

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Use of project management software for developing a project plan including timelines, milestones, scheduling, life cycle phases, management frameworks, skills, processes, and tools. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1415. The student may register for either ITSC 1315 or ITSC 1415 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1316 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, MVC

Course Title: Linux Installation and Configuration

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Introduction to the Linux operating system. Includes Linux installation, basic administration, utilities and commands, upgrading, networking, security, and application installation. Emphasizes hands-on setup, administration, and management of Linux. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1416. The student may register for either ITSC 1316 or ITSC 1416 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1380 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Cooperative Education - Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Instructor approval prior to enrollment.
Course Description: Career-related activities, encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

Course Number: ITSC 1391 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC

Course Title: Special Topics in Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1401 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Introduction to Computers

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Overview of computer information systems. Introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, and human resources. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1301. The student may register for either ITSC 1301 or ITSC 1401 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1405 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Introduction to PC Operating Systems

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Introduction to personal computer operating systems including installation, configuration, file management, memory and storage management, control of peripheral devices, and use of utilities. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1407 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, MVC

Course Title: UNIX Operating System I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Introduction to the UNIX operating system including multi-user concepts, terminal emulation, use of system editor, basic UNIX commands, and writing script files. Includes introductory system management concepts. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1307. The student may register for either ITSC 1307 or ITSC 1407 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1409 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Integrated Software Applications I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduction to business productivity software suites using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and/or presentation software. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1415 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Project Management Software

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Use of project management software for developing a project plan including timelines, milestones, scheduling, life cycle phases, management frameworks, skills, processes, and tools. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1315. The student may register for either ITSC 1315 or ITSC 1415 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1416 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Linux Installation and Configuration

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Introduction to the Linux operating system. Includes Linux installation, basic administration, utilities and commands, upgrading, networking, security, and application installation. Emphasizes hands-on setup, administration, and management of Linux. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1316. The student may register for either ITSC 1316 or ITSC 1416 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1425 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Personal Computer Hardware

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Current personal computer hardware including assembly, upgrading, setup, configuration and troubleshooting. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1442 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, MVC

Course Title: Shell Programming

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Basic understanding of personal computers and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401 or BCIS 1405 or COSC 1401 or equivalent experience approved by instructor.
Course Description: Reading, writing, and debugging shell scripts. Development of scripts to automate frequently executed sequences of commands. Covers conditional logic, user interaction, loops, and menus to enhance the productivity and effectiveness of the user. Intended for programmers who are familiar with operating environments and reading and writing various shell scripts. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1342. The student may register for either ITSC 1342 or ITSC 1442 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1447 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, MVC

Course Title: UNIX System Administration II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1458 or instructor approval.
Course Description: Advanced UNIX workstation administration skills in a network environment. Includes system security features. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1347. The student may register for either ITSC 1347 or ITSC 1447 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1458 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, MVC

Course Title: UNIX System Administration I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1407 or instructor approval.
Course Description: Basic UNIX workstation administration. Includes installing a stand-alone system, adding users, backing up and restoring file systems, and adding new printer support. Emphasis on the procedures needed to perform these system administration tasks. Introduces the concept of the system and disk management. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 1358. The student may register for either ITSC 1358 or ITSC 1458 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 1480 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Cooperative Education - Computer and Information Sciences, General

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Instructor approval prior to enrollment.
Course Description: Career-related activities, encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 30 Ext.)

Course Number: ITSC 2335 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Application Software Problem Solving

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Any advanced application software course or equivalent software use.
Course Description: Utilization of appropriate application software to solve advanced problems and generate customized solutions. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 2435. The student may register for either ITSC 2335 or ITSC 2435 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2421 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC

Course Title: Integrated Software Applications II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSW 1401 or instructor approval.
Course Description: Intermediate study of computer applications from business productivity software suites. Instruction in embedding data and linking and combining documents using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and/or presentation media software. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2425 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Advanced Linux

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1416 or instructor approval.
Course Description: Provides instruction in Advance Open-source Linux operating system. Develops LDAP directory services to all your clients, support users, remotely, installing and configuring network services. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2431 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC

Course Title: Integrated Software Applications III

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1409 or instructor consent.
Course Description: Advanced use of business productivity software including complex assignments that require advanced formatting and functionality. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2435 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, MVC

Course Title: Application Software Problem Solving

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Utilization of appropriate application software to solve advanced problems and generate customized solutions. This course is cross-listed as ITSC 2335. The student may register for either ITSC 2435 or ITSC 2335 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2437 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, MVC

Course Title: UNIX Operating System II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1407 or instructor consent.
Course Description: Continued study of the UNIX operating system commands. Includes topics such as CGI and scripting languages. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Course Number: ITSC 2439 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, RLC

Course Title: Personal Computer Help Desk Support

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1405 and (ITSW 1401 or ITSC 2421) or (ITSW 1404 or ITSW 1434) or (ITSW 1407 or ITSW 2437) or instructor approval.
Course Description: Diagnosis and solution of users hardware and software related problems with on-the-job and/or simulated projects. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.