1 Certificate, programmer_c1"> 1 Certificate">
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Dallas College Catalog filtered for Richland Campus
2020 - 2021 Dallas College Catalog
Catalog Filter(s): Richland Campus (remove)

2020 - 2021 Catalog
Program: Computer Information Technology (Programming Awards)
Degree Plan: Programmer Level 1 Certificate

(Level 1 Certificate)

Brookhaven, El Centro, North Lake, and Richland campus only

  • Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: C1.CIT.PROGLV1.16

This certificate option is designed to provide students with basic and advanced skills and knowledge in a primary language of choice. Application development using database programming techniques, structures, and modeling is also developed. Graduates will be qualified to work as a Level 1 Programmer in a technical programming environment.

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of personal computer and operating systems as obtained in ITSC 1401, BCIS 1405, or COSC 1301 or equivalent experience approved by designated Information Technology personnel.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSE 1429 Programming Logic and Design 4
XXXX X4XX Introductory Programming course - List A* (one course) 4
Semester Total 8
Course Course Title Credit Hours
XXXX X4XX Advanced Programming Language course - List B** (one course) 4
XXXX X4XX Database or Web course - List C (one course) OR 4
ITSC 1415 Project Management Software (4)
Semester Total 8
Minimum Hours Required 16

*First in a two-course programming language series

List A - Introductory Programming Courses

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSE 1402 Computer Programming 4
ITSE 1407 Introduction to C++ Programming 4
ITSE 1411 Beginning Web Programming 4
ITSE 1430 Introduction to C# Programming 4
ITSE 1432 Introduction to Visual Basic .Net Programming 4
ITSE 1491 Special Topics in Computer Programming 4
ITSE 2417 Java Programming 4
ITSE 2421 Object-Oriented Programming 4
COSC 1436 Programming Fundamentals 1 4
ITSE 1406 PHP Programming 4

**Second in a two-course programming language series

List B - Advanced Programming Courses

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSC 1442 Shell Programming 4
ITSE 1491 Special Topics in Computer Programming 4
ITSE 2402 Intermediate Web Programming 4
ITSE 2410 iOS Application Programming 4
ITSE 2431 Advanced C++ Programming 4
ITSE 2437 Assembly Language Programming 4
ITSE 2434 Advanced Visual Basic .Net Programming 4
ITSE 2438 C# Database Development with ADO.NET 4
ITSE 2453 Advanced C# Programming 4
ITSE 2457 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming 4
ITSE 2459 Advanced Computer Programming 4
INEW 1440 ASP.NET Programming 4
INEW 2434 Advanced Web Programming 4
INEW 2438 Advanced Java Programming 4
COSC 2436 Programming Fundamentals 3 4
ARTV 2471 Android Application Programming 4

List C - Database or Web Courses

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITMT 1403 Querying Microsoft SQL Server with Transact - SQL 4
ITMC 2437 Programming a Microsoft SQL Server Database 4
ITSE 1445 Introduction to Oracle SQL 4
ITSE 2454 Advanced Oracle PL/SQL 4
ITSE 2409 Database Programming 4
ITSW 1407 Introduction to Database 4
ITSW 2437 Advanced Database 4
ITSE 2404 Visual Basic.NET Database Development with ADO.NET 4
ITSE 2438 C# Database Development with ADO.NET 4
ITSE 1401 Web Design Tools 4
IMED 1416 Web Design 1 4

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.