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2020 - 2021 Dallas College Catalog
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2020 - 2021 Catalog
Program: Computer Information Technology (PC Support Awards)
Degree Plan: Personal Computer Specialist Certificate

(Level 2 Certificate)

Offered on all campuses

  • Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: C2.CIT.PC.SPEC.16

This certificate option is designed to provide in-depth training in suite package software, operating systems, hardware, networking, and Internet/web page development. The graduate will be qualified for a variety of entry-level positions in a PC-oriented environment.

Course(s) may be substituted for ITSC 1401, BCIS 1405, or COSC 1301 for those who demonstrate current computer literacy.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSC 1401 Introduction to Computers OR 4
BCIS 1405 Business Computer Applications OR (4)
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing AND (3)
++Elective Technical Elective (one course) (1)
ITNW 1425 Fundamentals of Networking Technologies OR 4
ITNW 1458 Network + (4)
ITSW 1401 Introduction to Word Processing 4
ENGL 1301 Composition 1 3
Semester Total 15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSC 1405 Introduction to PC Operating Systems AND 4
ITSC 1425 Personal Computer Hardware OR 4
CPMT 1451 IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (4)
ITSW 1404 Introduction to Spreadsheets 4
+Elective Speech Elective 3
Semester Total 11-15
Course Course Title Credit Hours
ITSW 1407 Introduction to Database 4
ITSW 1410 Introduction to Presentation Graphics Software OR 4
ITSC 1409 Integrated Software Applications 1 (4)
ITSC 2439 Personal Computer Help Desk Support 4
Semester Total 15-16
Minimum Hours Required 41-46

+Speech Elective - must be selected from the following:

Course Course Title Credit Hours
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
SPCH 1321 Business and Professional Communication 3

++Technical Elective - must be selected from the following:

Course Course Title Credit Hours
IMED 1191 Special Topics in Educational/Instructional Media Design 1
ITCC 1191 Special Topics in System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager 1
ITSC 1164 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Computer and Information Sciences, General 1
ITSC 1166 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician 1
ITSC 1171 Introduction to Computers 1
ITSC 1191 Special Topics in Computer and Information Sciences, General 1
ITSE 1191 Special Topics in Computer Programming 1
ITNW 1164 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications 1
ITNW 1192 Special Topics in Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications 1
ITSY 1191 Special Topics in Information Technology/Security 1

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.