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Dallas College Catalog filtered for Richland Campus
2020 - 2021 Dallas College Catalog
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2020 - 2021 Catalog
Course Descriptions for FSHN

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Course Number: FSHN 1123 (1 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Introduction to Mass Production

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to mass production, marketing, and merchandising in the fashion industry. This course must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. (1 Lec., 1 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Textiles

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A general study of textiles with emphasis on factors that affect the hand, appearance, and performance in clothing use. Examination of the fibers, yarns, dyeing, printing and finishing. Application of textiles used in the apparel industry. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1312 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An overview of fashion trends and concepts to include, branding, environmental influences, and marketing operating. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: FSHN 1313 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Basic Color Theory and Application

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Principles of color theory including the effect of light on color and mixing color pigment in opaque media. This course must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1315 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Draping

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: FSHN 1417, FSHD 1324.
Course Description: Instruction in draping various designs on a dress form and translating the designs to a muslin pattern. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1325 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Basic Women's Tailoring

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: FSHD 1324.
Course Description: An introduction to tailoring women’s apparel including instruction in pattern alterations and fit. Fundamentals of sewing machine operations, fabric preparation and cutting, machine and hand sewing techniques, and pressing proficiencies. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1382 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Cooperative Education - Fashion Merchandising

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Completion of two courses in Fashion Marketing or demonstrated competence approved by the instructor.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 15 Ext.)

Course Number: FSHN 1391 (3 Credit Hours) New course added November 10, 2020
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Special Topics in Fashion Merchandising

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary for preparation and enhancement of fashion styling to meet professional standards. Includes styling for fashion situations and establishing a styling portfolio. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: FSHN 1417 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Pattern Drafting I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Corequisite/Concurrent: FSHD 1324.
Course Description: Principles of drafting basic collars, skirts, bodices, and sleeves. Includes cutting out garments. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 1418 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Pattern Drafting II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: FSHN 1417, FSHD 1324.
Course Description: A continuation of Pattern Drafting I. Emphasis on drafting basic patterns and garment construction. (2 Lec, 6 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 2301 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Fashion Promotion

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of fashion direction, publicity, and fashion event coordination. Emphasis on fashion event production. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: FSHN 2303 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Fashion Buying

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Fundamentals of fashion buying with instruction in planning, pricing, and purchasing retail fashion inventories. Identification of wholesale merchandise resources. Instruction in calculating retail math functions of buying. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: FSHN 2307 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Fashion Advertising

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: General principles and practices of fashion advertising and consumer directed communication including a study of integrated marketing communications. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: FSHN 2315 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Pattern Drafting III

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: FSHN 1417, FSHN 1418, FSHD 1324, FSHN 1325.
Course Description: Develops techniques for drafting patterns for apparel. Includes creation and construction of original designs. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 2320 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Visual Merchandising

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Skill development in the creation of showroom or retail store window/interior displays that sell merchandise. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 2370 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Technical Product Development

This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite Required: FSHD 1324, FSHN 1325, FSHN 2315.
Course Description: Advanced pattern making for production ready patterns. Creation of "tech packs" (technical packets) with detailed production specifications of fabric and trims, sewing construction, finishing details, size specifications, grading, and allowable tolerances. Creation of the PLM - Product Life Management cycle. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

Course Number: FSHN 2372 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Fashion Computer Graphics

This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: This course covers Adobe Photoshop® and Illustrator® as it applies to fashion marketing & design boards, line sheets, tech packs, and other forms of product promotion. The student will be able to create "flats" (garment illustrations) and learn how to manipulate textiles through Photoshop® to recolor, resize, innovate, and apply the texture/ print to garments. (2 Lec., 2 Lab)

Course Number: FSHN 2382 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Cooperative Education - Fashion Merchandising

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Completion of two courses in Fashion Marketing and FSHN 1382.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 15 Ext.)

Course Number: FSHN 2432 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Richland Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): ECC

Course Title: Advanced Pattern Drafting

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: FSHN 1325, FSHN 2315.
Course Description: Advanced techniques for drafting patterns. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.