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2020 - 2021 Dallas College Catalog

2020 - 2021 Catalog
English for Speakers of Other Languages

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL or ESL) courses are offered to provide academic English skills to students whose first or native language is other than English. Besides preparing students for the college learning experience in the areas of oral communication, reading, writing and grammar, these courses teach students the skills needed to meet the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).

Non-native English speaking students who wish to enroll in college-level courses, but who have not met language-related TSI standards or the college prerequisites for doing so, may be expected to enroll in ESOL courses to meet those requirements. Appropriate tests or methods may be used to determine students' skill levels for ESOL course placement as well as to meet TSI requirements.

All non-native English speakers are welcome to study here at Dallas College, regardless of language level, background or residency status. Courses are offered at various levels and will meet a students' wide variety of language experiences and needs, oral communication, and their levels of reading, writing and grammar. This allows each student to focus on his or her areas of English language learning needs and helps to ensure individual success in college studies.

In addition, a selection of learning modes may be available for students to choose from, including lecture, online instruction, computer-aided instruction, mini-mester, learning community, and intensive formats.