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Dual Credit Programs are instructional partnerships that are offered between a public secondary school, a charter school, a private school, an Early College High School, or a home school and the college with an officially signed Agreement. Course credit is provided to high school students for both high school and college credit. College credit may be for certificate or associate degree programs. College courses offered for dual credit must be college-level academic courses in the current edition of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual or as college-level workforce education courses in the current edition of the Workforce Education Course Manual. The dual credit courses are to be defined sequeneces sequencesof courses, where applicable. College may offer Core, career/technical and foreign language courses for dual credit.
Public colleges may not offer remedial and developmental courses for dual credit.
Student Eligibility Requirements for Dual Credit
Student must complete a Pre-Assessment Activity and practice test prior to taking the official Texas Success Initiative (TSI) tests.
To be eligible for enrollment in a dual credit course offered by a public college, student must meet all the college's regular prerequisite requirements designated for that course (e.g., minimum score on a specified placement test, minimum grade in a specified previous course, etc.)
Dual Credit Eligibility and TSI met:
A high school student is eligible to enroll in academic dual credit courses if the student:
- Demonstrates college readiness by achieving the minimum passing standards for Texas Success Initiative (TSI) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) on relevant sections of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment TSIA
- Demonstrates that he or she is TSI exempt or waived
Dual Credit Eligibility:
A high school student is eligible to enroll in dual credit courses with the following test scores. Once the student passes the college-level course with C or better, the student will be TSI met within appropriate content area(s) of reading, writing, and/or math.
A student who is exempt from taking STAAR EOC assessments may be otherwise evaluated by an institution to determine eligibility for enrolling in workforce education dual credit courses.
A high school student is eligible to enroll in academic dual credit course(s) that require demonstration of TSI college readiness in reading and/or writing by achieving:
- a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the reading test (from test taken prior to September 1 October 15, 2015); or
- a score of 460 on the PSAT/NMSQT evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) test (from test taken on or after October 15, 2015). Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in English or an English score of 435 on the ACT-Aspire; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000 beginning in Spring 2014 and forward) as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), on the English II STAAR EOC; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (2000 on reading/2000 on writing prior to Spring 2014) as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), on the English II STAAR EOC, relevant to the course
- THECB cut scores for the new PSAT/NMSQT are not available.
A high school student is eligible to enroll in academic dual credit course(s) that require demonstration of TSI college readiness in math by achieving:
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000) as defined by TEA, on the Algebra I STAAR EOC and passing grade of C in the high school Algebra II course; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000) as defined by TEA, on the Algebra II STAAR EOC; or
- a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the mathematics test (from test taken prior to September 1 October 15, 2015); or
- a score of 510 on PSAT/NMSQT mathematics test (from test taken on or after October 15, 2015). Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in mathematics or a mathematics score of 431 on the ACT-Aspire
- THECB cut scores for the new PSAT/NMSQT are not available.
A high school student is eligible to enroll in workforce education dual credit courses contained in a Level-One Certificate program, or a program leading to a credential of less than a Level-One Certificate, at a public junior college or public technical institute and shall not be required to provide demonstration of college readiness or dual credit enrollment eligibility.
A high school student enrolled in a Level-One Certificate is exempt from TSI. If student takes dual credit courses that are not included in the Level-One Certificate, the student is no longer exempt from TSI. This waiver is not made available to the Early College High School students or to students who are seeking an associate degree or Level-Two certificate.
A high school student is eligible to enroll in workforce education dual credit courses contained in a Level-Two Certificate or applied associate degree program under the following conditions:
Courses that require demonstration of TSI readiness in reading and/or writing by achieving:
- a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the reading test (from test taken prior to September 1 October 15, 2015). Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a score of 460 on the PSAT/NMSQT evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) test (from test taken on or after October 15, 2015. Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in English or an English score of 435 on the ACT-Aspire; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000 beginning in Spring 2014 and forward) as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), on the English II STAAR EOC; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (2000 on reading/2000 on writing prior to Spring 2014) as defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), on the English II STAAR EOC, relevant to the course
- THECB cut scores for the new PSAT/NMSQT are not available.
Courses that require demonstration of TSI college readiness in mathematics:
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000) as defined by TEA, on the Algebra I STAAR EOC and passing grade of C in the high school Algebra II course; or
- a Level 2 final recommended score, (4000) as defined by TEA, on the Algebra II STAAR EOC; or
- a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the mathematics test (from test taken prior to September 1 October 15, 2015). Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a score of 510 on the PSAT/NMSQT mathematics test (from test taken on or after October 15, 2015). Mixing or combining scores from the PSAT/NMSQT administered prior to October 15, 2015 and the PSAT/NMSQT administered on or after October 15, 2015 is not allowable. Also note that dual credit eligibility scores on the PSAT/NMSQT do not determine a student's college readiness under Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statue or rules; or
- a composite score of 23 on the PLAN with a 19 or higher in mathematics or a mathematics score of 431 on the ACT-Aspire
- THECB cut scores for the new PSAT/NMSQT are not available.
Score requirements may be altered by the THECB with the currently approved scores being used for eligibility and course placement purposes.
Students may also meet TSI requirements in the relevant content area(s) by receiving a grade of C or better in college level core course(s).
An institution may impose additional requirements for enrollment in courses for dual credit to ensure the student is placed correctly or permitted into dual credit courses.
The THECB provisions do not required institutions of higher education to offer dual credit courses for high school students.
Students who do not acquire the necessary test score(s) for eligibility purposes should discuss their options with the college Dual Credit Coordinator/Administrator.
Eligibility for continued participation in the Dual Credit program requires satisfactory academic performance at the high school; earned grades of A, B, or C in all college courses; and parental and school approval for each subsequent semester of enrollment. A student who earns grades of W, D and/or F may not be eligible for future dual credit courses or may have restrictions.
Students must discuss with their high school counselor if they wish to withdraw from their college course(s). Students who decide to withdraw must submit the required withdrawal form to the College Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator or College Registrar by the published deadline.
Academic freedom is practiced at all Colleges of the DCCCD and appropriate and essential discipline-specific terminology, concepts and principles are utilized as needed in the classroom setting, including within dual credit classes.
Early College High Schools
Early College Highs Schools (ECHS) provide outreach, curricula, and student learning and support programs that enable participating students to combine high school courses and college-level courses to attain their high school diploma and earn up to 60 semester credit hours toward an associate or baccalaureate degree by the fifth anniversary of the student's first day of high school.
Students participating in an ECHS must meet eligibility requirements. An ECHS shall assess each student for readiness to engage in any college-level curriculum offered for college credit prior to the student's enrollment in such curriculum. For this assessment, an ECHS may use any instrument otherwise approved for Texas Success Initiative purposes.
Early College High School students who do not acquire the necessary test score(s) for eligibility purposes should discuss their options with the college ECHS and/or Dual Credit Coordinator/Administrator.
The college vice president or designee will have a conversation with prospective Dual Credit and/or Early College High School students under the age of sixteen and their parent(s)/guardian(s) so that expectations of college readiness issues of the students, parents/guardians and college are clarified.
The Dual Credit and/or Early College High School student must meet all admissions criteria of the college. In addition, students may be withdrawn from the pre-registration course(s) for subsequent semesters or terms if the student withdraws from a course or makes a grade of D or F. Students may be refused re-enrollment unless the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to abide by written conditions from the college designed to increase the potential for success.
Financial Aid Implications of Dual Credit
Students may not be eligible for state or federal financial aid while enrolled in high school. However, because they are recorded on the college transcript, grades earned for dual credit courses can impact a student's future financial aid.
Financial aid is limited to those who have either graduated from high school or have a G.E.D.