To satisfy the requirements of the "Drug Free Schools and Communities Act", the colleges and facilities of the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) are committed to creating an educational and work environment free from use or distribution of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol. The college prohibits the unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture, possession for purposes of distribution or sale of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or premises or at DCCCD sponsored activities. Any student or employee who violates the DCCCD drug and alcohol policy is subject to all applicable DCCCD disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the DCCCD Board Policy Manual. Violations of the DCCCD drug and alcohol policy that are also violations of federal, state, or local law may be referred to the appropriate agency.
Federal, State and Local Penalties and Sanctions
Local, state and federal laws prohibit the unlawful use, distribution, manufacture, possession for purposes of distribution, and sale of alcohol and controlled substances. These laws carry penalties for violations, including, but not limited to, fines, imprisonment, forfeiture of property and denial of federal benefits such as student loans, grants, etc. See also Title 21, United States Code (USC), Controlled Substances Act; and Chapter 481, Texas Health and Safety Code, the Texas Controlled Substances Act. Additionally, the different municipalities within Dallas County have ordinances relating to the use of controlled substances, for which penalties may be imposed.