Chief Executive Officer |
President | Dr. Jean Conway | 972-860-7001 |
Executive Administrators |
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Student Success |
Michael Gutierrez | 972-860-7196 |
Vice President for Organizational Development (Interim) | Larry Wilson | 972-860-7218 |
Vice President of Business Services | Dr. Adrian Douglas | 972-860-7603 |
Assistant to the President | Sharon Cook | 972-860-7629 |
Executive Director, Pleasant Grove Campus | Javier Olguin | 972-391-5306 |
Instructional Division Administrators
Executive Dean, Arts and Communications | Rachel Wolf | 972-860-7124 |
Associate Dean, Arts and Communications | Judith Dumont | 972-860-7026 |
Associate Dean, Arts and Communications | Sheneika Hathaway | 972-860-7034 |
Executive Dean, Career Technologies (Acting) | Johnnie Bellamy | 972-860-7619 |
Associate Dean, Career Technologies | Johnnie Bellamy | 972-860-7619 |
Executive Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | Dr. Gretchen Riehl | 972-860-7140 |
Associate Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | John Emery | 972-860-7623 |
Associate Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | Amy Vance | 972-860-7141 |
Associate Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | Dr. Tina Jackson | 972-860-8304 |
Executive Dean, Social Sciences | Dr. Mike Walker | 972-860-7156 |
Associate Dean, Social Sciences | George Bush | 972-860-8352 |
Director, Workforce and Economic Development | Christa Jones | 972-860-7033 |
Dean, Continuing Education (Interim) | Judith Dumont | 972-391-1087 |
Educational Support Services Administrators
Executive Dean, Institutional Research and Decision Support | Ricardo Rodriguez | 972-860-8325 |
Executive Dean, Student Development and Support Services | Paul Goertemiller | 972-860-7091 |
Executive Dean, Student Engagement and Retention | Courtney Carter-Harbour | 972-860-7335 |
Executive Dean, Student and Enrollment Services | Kimberly Lowry | 972-860-7028 |
Associate Dean, Student Support Services | Vacant | 972-860-7027 |
Associate Dean, Student Support Services | Susan Grove | 972-860-7022 |
Dean, Educational Resources | Karla Greer | 972-860-7173 |
Associate Dean, Educational Resources | Lucinda Gonzales | 972-860-7668 |
Dean, E-Learning | Vacant | 972-860-7158 |
Director, Academic Advising | Audra Patridge | 972-860-7205 |
Director, Dual Credit | LaQuesha Foster | 972-860-7183 |
Director, Financial Aid | Karen Lazarz | 972-860-7332 |
Director, Health Center | Cynthia Taylor | 972-860-7191 |
Director, Marketing and Educational Partnerships | Donielle Johnson | 972-860-7014 |
Director, Testing | Vacant | 972-860-7022 |
Director, TRiO/SSS and Disability Services | Bobbi White | 972-860-8348 |
Coordinator, Quality Enhancement Plan | Vacant |
Administrative Support Services Administrators
Associate Vice President | Vacant | |
Executive Director of Human Resources | Larry Wilson | 972-860-7218 |
Dean, Resource Development | Dr. Latricia Thomas-Anderson | 972-860-7396 |
Director, Facilities Services | Michael Brantley | 972-860-7688 |
Director, Harvester Professional Development | Maria Caratini-Prado | 972-860-7019 |
Compliance Officers
Accreditation | Ricardo Rodriguez | 972-860-8325 |
Affirmative Action | Larry Wilson | 972-860-7218 |
Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (Students) | Dr. Adrian Douglas | 972-860-7603 |
Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (Employees) | Larry Wilson | 972-860-7218 |
Title IX of the Education Amendments | Larry Wilson | 972-860-7218 |
Beaver, Nancy
Program Administrator, Child Development
University of Texas, B.S.; University of North Texas, M.Ed.
Bellamy, Johnnie
Associate Dean, Career Technologies
University of North Texas, B.B.A., M.Ed.
Brantley, Michael
Director, Facilities Services
Richland College, A.A.S.; V.T.I. Institute of Technology, B.S.
Burris, Danny
Program Director, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Eastfield College, A.A.S.; LeTourneau University, B.S.
Busbin, Jason
Instructional Designer
University of West Georgia, B.B.A.
Bush, George
Associate Dean, Social Sciences
Bishop College, B.A.; Ball State University, M.A.
Caratini-Prado, Maria
Director, Harvester Professional Development
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, B.A., M.Ed.
Carter-Harbour, Courtney
Executive Dean, Student Engagement and Retention
University of North Texas, B.A., M.A.; further study: University of Texas at Arlington
Conway, Jean
University of North Texas, B.A., M.A.; Texas A&M University – Commerce, Ed.D.
Cook, Sharon
Assistant to the President
Baylor University, B.A.
Danforth, David
Program Director, Digital Imaging
Eastern New Mexico University, B.A.; Texas A&M University – Commerce, M.S.
Douglas, Adrian
Vice President of Business Services
Southern University, B.S.; LeTourneau University, M.B.A.; Colorado State University, Ph.D.
Dumont, Judith
Associate Dean, Arts and Communications
University of Texas at Dallas, B.A.; University of North Texas, M.Ed.
Emery, John
Associate Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of the State of New York, B.A.; Webster University, M.B.A.
Fletcher, Anthony
College Director, Athletic Programs
Angelo State University, B.S., M.S.
Foster, LaQuesha
Director, Dual Credit
Wichita State University, B.A.; University of Kansas, M.Ed.; further studies: University of Georgia
Goertemiller, Paul
Executive Dean, Student Development and Support Services
University of North Texas, B.A., M.Ed.; further study: Texas A&M – Commerce
Gonzales, Lucinda
Associate Dean, Educational Resources
University of Texas, B.S.; Southern Methodist University, M.L.A.
Greer, Karla
Dean, Educational Resources
Texas Woman’s University, B.S., M.L.S.
Grove, Susan
Associate Dean
Purdue University, B.A.; Texas A&M University – Commerce, M.A.
Gutierrez, Michael
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Student Success
Princeton University, A.B.; University of Texas, M.P.A.; further study: University of North Texas
Hathaway, Sheneika
Associate Dean, Arts and Communications
West Virginia University, B.A., M.A.
Johnson, Donielle
Director, Marketing and Educational Partnerships
Texas Tech University, B.A.; University of North Texas, M.A.
Jones, Christa
Director, Workforce and Economic Development
University of North Texas, B.A.
Lowry, Kimberly
Executive Dean, Student and Enrollment Services
Antelope Valley Community College, A.A.; California State University, Long Beach, B.A., M.S.; further study: University of North Texas
Martin, Michael
Baseball Coach
Louisiana Tech University, B.S., M.A.
Olguin, Javier
Executive Director, Pleasant Grove Campus
Colorado College, B.A.; Texas State University, M.S.
Patridge, Audra
Director, Academic Advising
Texas A&M University, B.A.; St. Edward’s University, M.A.; University of Texas, Ph.D.
Riehl, Gretchen
Executive Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of Missouri, B.H.S.; Texas Woman’s University, M.S., Ph.D.
Rodriguez, Ricardo
Executive Dean, Institutional Research and Decision Support
Universidad de Juarez, B.A.; University of Houston, M.S.
Taylor, Cynthia
Director, Health Center
Texas Woman’s University, B.S.N.; Prairie View A&M, M.Ed.
Thomas-Anderson, Latricia
Dean, Resource Development
Texas Woman’s University, B.A., Ph.D.; Grambling State University, M.A.
Walker, Mike
University of Texas, B.J.; Texas A&M University, M.A.; Texas A&M University – Commerce, Ed.D.
White, Bobbi
Director, TRiO/SSS and Disability Services
East Texas State University, B.S.
Wilson, Larry
Executive Director, Human Resources
Harding University, B.A.; Texas A&M University, M.A.
Wolf, Rachel
Executive Dean, Arts and Communications
University of Massachusetts Amherst, B.A.; Texas Woman’s University, M.A.