CPMT 1307 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Electronic and Computer Skills This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: A study of the information for the assembly of a microcomputer system. Emphasis on the evolution of microprocessors and microprocessor bus structures. (3 Lec.) |
CPMT 1403 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at EFC, MVC Introduction to Computer Technology This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: A fundamental computer course that provides explanation of the procedures to utilize hardware and software. Emphasis on terminology, acronyms, and hands-on activities. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1404 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Microcomputer System Software This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: In this course the students will develop skills in the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of system software in microcomputers. Topics covered may include operating systems, utility software and other software affecting the basic operation of a microcomputer system. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1411 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD. Introduction to Computer Maintenance This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: This course is an introduction to the installation, configuration, and maintenance of a microcomputer system. Students will study how to identify modules that make up a computer system and its operation; identify each type of computer bus structure; assemble/setup microcomputer systems and adapter/interface boards; and install/connect associated peripherals. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1443 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Microcomputer Architecture This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: Computer characteristics and subsystem operations, timing, control circuits, and internal input/output controls. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1445 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD. Computer Systems Maintenance This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: This course will cover functions of the components within a computer system. In this course the students will develop skills in the use of test equipment and maintenance aids. Students will study how to describe the functions of components in a computer system; use computer related test equipment; and demonstrate the effective use of maintenance tools. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1447 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Computer System Peripherals This is a WECM Course Number. Prerequisite Recommended: CETT 1403. Course Description: This course is an in-depth study of principles and practices involved in computer system troubleshooting techniques, programs, and the use of specialized test equipment. The student will develop hardware and software troubleshooting techniques and perform procedures used in troubleshooting. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1449 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Computer Networking Technology This is a WECM Course Number. Prerequisite Recommended: CETT 1403. Course Description: This is a beginning course in computer networks with focus on networking fundamentals, terminology, hardware, software, and network architecture. A study of local/wide area networking concepts and networking installations and operations. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 1451 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: An introduction to the computer hardware and software skills needed to help meet the growing demand for entry-level information and communication technology (ICT) professionals. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of PC technology, networking, and security, and also provides an introduction to advanced concepts. Hands-on labs and Virtual Laptop and Virtual Desktop learning tools help students develop critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills. Cisco Packet Tracer simulation-based learning activities promote the exploration of network and networking security concepts and allow students to experiment with network behavior. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.) |
CPMT 2302 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at ECC, MVC Home Technology Integration This is a WECM Course Number. Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1405 and ITSC 1425 or CPMT 1305 or instructor approval. Course Description: Integration and maintenance of various home technology subsystems. Includes home automation, security and surveillance, home networks, video and audio networks, and structured wiring. This course is cross-listed as CPMT 2402. The student may register for either CPMT 2302 or CPMT 2402 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.) |
CPMT 2402 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Home Technology Integration This is a WECM Course Number. Prerequisite Recommended: ITSC 1405 and ITSC 1425 or CPMT 1405 of instructor approval. Course Description: Integration and maintenance of various home technology subsystems. Includes home automation, security and surveillance, home networks, video and audio networks, and structured wiring. This course is cross-listed as CPMT 2302. The student may register for either CPMT 2302 or CPMT 2402 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.) |
CPMT 2433 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD. Computer Integration This is a WECM Course Number. Course Description: Integration of hardware, software, and applications. Customization of computer systems for specific applications such as engineering, multimedia, or data acquisition. Integrate special applications in the areas of multimedia, data acquisition, or engineering; install and maintain various hardware and software components for specialized applications; and analyze and test system operations. This course is cross-listed as CPMT 2233. The student may register for either CPMT 2233 or CPMT 2433 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
CPMT 2445 (4 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by Cedar Valley College. Offered at MVC Computer System Troubleshooting This is a WECM Course Number. Prerequisite Recommended: CETT 1429. Course Description: This course covers principles and practices involved in computer system troubleshooting techniques and repair procedures including advanced diagnostic test programs and the use of specialized test equipment. The student will develop hardware and software troubleshooting techniques and perform procedures used in troubleshooting. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.) |
Academic Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for transfer among community colleges and state public four year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.
WECM Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for transfer among community colleges and state public four year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.
WECM Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.