Tuition is the dollar amount a student pays for his or her academic instruction. It is based on credit hours and place of legal residence. Tuition rates are subject to change, without notice, by DCCCD Board of Trustees and by the State of Texas.
Category of Tuition |
Dallas County Residents* |
Other Texas Residents (Out of County Residents) |
Out-of-State/ Out-of-Country |
Full tuition | $59 per credit hour with a $59 minimum | $111 per credit hour with a $111 minimum | $174 per credit hour with a $200 minimum |
Most distance learning students who live out of state will be charged an additional $55 per credit hour for distance learning tuition.
Texas residents, who own property subject to ad valorem taxation by the DCCCD, or dependents of such persons, may pay tuition at the rate of residents of Dallas County. If a senior citizen (person 65 years or older) who resides in or owns property subject to ad valorem taxation in Dallas County enrolls in credit courses, Cedar Valley College will waive a maximum of six hours tuition each semester or summer session if space is available.
An individual who has moved to Texas and enrolled before having resided here for 12 months immediately preceding registration, and his or her dependents, may be entitled to pay the tuition required of Texas residents. Such an individual 1) must be an employee of a business or organization that is part of Texas' economic development and diversification program, and 2) must file with the college a letter of intent to establish residency in Texas.
Distance Learning Tuition
For distance learning students who reside outside of Texas and have not maintained Texas as their residency of record, a distance learning tuition of $55 per credit hour (a minimum of $165 for 3 credit hours or less) shall be charged in addition to out-of-state or out-of-country tuition. (This charge may be adjusted for third party payers who have established a distance learning partnership with the colleges of the DCCCD and provide contracted services in lieu of payment of all or a portion of the distance learning tuition.)
Third Attempts
Effective for Fall Semester 2005, the colleges of the Dallas County Community College District charges a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. All third and subsequent attempts of the majority of credit and Continuing Education/Workforce Training courses will result in higher tuition being charged. Developmental Studies and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate. Third attempts include courses taken at any of the colleges of the Dallas County Community College District since the Fall 2002 semester. The additional tuition charge is $50 per credit hour for classes taken a third or more times. Visit the Third Attempt Web site at for additional information.
*A full-time District employee, District retiree, or eligible dependent who resides outside Dallas County is eligible for Dallas County tuition rates. An individual who would have been classified as a resident for the first five of the six years immediately preceding registration but who resides in another state for all or part of the year immediately preceding registration shall be classified as a resident student.