Students transferring to the colleges of DCCCD from other institutions of higher education must turn in official transcripts from all U.S. (and U.S. territories) institutions attended, to the Admissions/Registrar's Office of the college they wish to attend. Transcripts must be no older than three years from the date the transcript was printed to comply with the state records and retention law, established by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Students seeking admission after having not attended for a year or longer must also submit a new official transcript.
Credit for courses in which a passing grade ("D" or better) has been earned may be transferred to the colleges of the Dallas County Community College District from the following institutions:
- Higher Learning Commission
Institutions that are regionally accredited;
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Higher Education
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Northwest Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges
Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges - Institutions that are not regionally accredited.
Students transferring credits from these institutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Factors that will be considered relating to these courses include:
- Level;
- Content;
- Quality;
- Comparability; and
- Degree program relevance.
It shall be the student’s responsibility to provide all transcripts and documents necessary to evaluate any prior educational experience. - Students who complete coursework at colleges and universities outside the United States will be considered on a cases by case basis. All foreign credentials submitted to the college must include the original plus a certified English translation. An official evaluation of foreign credentials must be completed before transfer credit can be granted. The student is responsible for arranging for credential evaluation. A list of acceptable professional evaluation services is available in the college catalog or the office of the registrar. A student is expected to pay all costs of translation and/or evaluation of foreign credentials.
- Credits earned through other education programs, such as credit by examination, military experience are reviewed by the Registrar and may be granted if applicable.
Effective March 2013, lower-level transfer credits from other institutions are included on the official academic transcript. Official transcripts from all higher education institutions must be on file in the Admissions/Registrar's Office. Generally, the college will not accept junior and senior level coursework as transfer credit unless there is an approved articulation agreement with the specific four-year college or university. To view approved articulation agreements, visit
You must submit to the Admissions/Registrar's Office all official transcripts from all higher education institutions before an evaluation can take place. Any questions concerning the validity of the document(s) will result in a need to have an official transcript(s) sent directly from the other institution(s) to the Admissions/Registrar's Office.