Effective Fall semester 2010 student with less than 12 college level hours will be required to take and complete EDUC 1300. EDUC 1300 is an interdisciplinary course that will contribute to student success by addressing factors that impact learning in college, including: research and theory in learning; strategies to monitor, regulate and control cognition, motivation and behavior; and the ability to think ethically and critically. Students will be stopped from enrolling in their 10th college-level hour if they have not registered for EDUC 1300. Students who are 65 years or age and older, and students with 12 or more college level hours are exempt from this requirement. Students may be waived (temporary action, future action required by advisor) from completing EDUC 1300 if they:
- Are seeking career and technical education through an Associate of Applied Sciences degree, a certificate, or credit contract training program.
- Are transient university students.
- Are Dual Credit students who have not graduated from high school.