Refund of TuitionTo be considered officially withdrawn from one or more classes and eligible for a refund, a student must have filed the appropriate form with the college within the refund period or completed the appropriate process on eConnect. Refunds for flexible-entry classes are prorated based on the number of weeks each class spans. Saturdays are included in the count of class days. Refund periods for fall, spring and some summer semesters are the following:
The amount of refund may be reduced for federal financial aid recipients who have not completed 60% of the enrollment period for which they have received aid. The "1st class day" is the day the institution's term officially begins; it may precede the first day a student's class actually meets. Refunds are based on net charges for classes dropped and added if occurring prior to the date the college must report official enrollment. Refunds are made to credit cards if tuition was paid by credit card. However, refunds for tuition paid by cash or check will be refunded through a third party with which the District contracts. Please check disbursements and refunds to find out how to select your refund method using a DCCCD money card. A student who wishes to appeal for a greater refund may do so by submitting a petition and explanation of any extenuating circumstances to the college refund petitions committee. If the committee approves the petition, the college will notify the student and issue a refund accordingly. Requests for refunds will not be accepted after the end of the semester or summer session for which the refund is sought. |