2016 - 2017 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Servicemembers Opportunity College Consortium

Dallas County Community College District is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium and the SOC Degree Network System.

The Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Consortium consists of colleges and universities committed to expanding and improving voluntary postsecondary educational opportunities for servicemembers worldwide. SOC Consortium members subscribe to principles and criteria to ensure that quality academic programs are available to active-duty military students, their family members, and veterans. A list of current SOC Consortium member institutions can be found on the SOC Web site at http://www.soc.aascu.org/.

DCCCD is a member of the SOC Degree Network System, a subgroup of SOC Consortium member institutions selected by the military Services to deliver specific associate and bachelor's degree programs to servicemembers and their families. As a member of the DNS, we have agreed to adhere to academic policies intended to support military students in their academic endeavors towards degree completion.

DCCCD is approved for membership in SOCAD and SOCNAV at the associate degree level.

Through this program, you can plan an educational experience regardless of where the military requires you to serve. While military service, per se, carries no equivalent college credit, coursework earned in the military may result in equivalent college credit with appropriate documentation.

For further information contact the Registrar's Office, or visit Servicemember's Opportunity College. Military students may find additional information at https://www.dcccd.edu/SS/OnCampus/Veterans/Pages/default.aspx.

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