If you think you already meet the requirements of a course by experience or previous training, you may request credit-by-examination. You may not request credit-by-examination for courses in which you are currently enrolled. The Registrar's Office has information about the courses for which credit-by-examination is available. The examination may be an approved subject examination (not a general examination) of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Exams (CEEB), Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES), International Baccalaureate Program Exams, (IB) or an instructor-made test, depending on the course. You should ensure college acceptance of specific national exams prior to taking them. Scores for national testing programs, such as CLEP, AP and DANTES, will be valid for 10 years.
You must pay a test administration service charge for each course examination. This charge is in addition to fees charged by testing companies--eg. CLEP, DANTES. This service charge must be paid prior to taking the examination and is not refundable. Final acceptance of credit-by-examination for specific degree purposes is determined by the degree-granting institution. If you are planning to use credit-by-examination to meet degree requirements at other institutions, you should check the receiving institution's requirements.
You must be currently enrolled as a credit student at the college to receive credit-by-examination. Although your current enrollment in a course may normally make you ineligible for national testing programs, the Foreign Language Curriculum Committee permits an exception to this policy for students enrolled in foreign language courses.
You may earn as many credits through examination as your ability permits and needs require, but at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation must be taken through instruction and not through credit-by-examination. Credit-by-examination may be attempted only one time in the college for any given course and a minimum score must be earned in order for credit to be recorded. Those who successfully complete an approved credit-by-examination may choose to have either the grade earned, if it is made available, or "CR" recorded on the transcript. Only letter grades of A, B, or C for credit-by-exam will be calculated into the GPA. If a student chooses "CR" for a credit-by-exam or if "CR" is the only option available to students, the "CR" cannot be calculated into the GPA. Students who meet the minimum passing standard on Computerized CLEP exams will be awarded "CR". The option for a letter grade is currently not available.
The following national tests are approved for credit-by-examination:
CLEP Computerized Test Subject Exams
(CLEP General Exams are NOT approved)
*See College Testing Center for test limitations for these computerized CLEP exams
Test Name | Minimum Score | Credits | Course(s) |
Financial Accounting | 50 | 3 | ACCT 2301 |
Biology | 50 | 8 | BIOL 1406, 1407 |
Principles of Management | 50 | 3 | BMGT 1327 |
Introductory Business Law | 50 | 3 | BUSI 2301 |
Chemistry | 50 | 8 | CHEM 1411, 1412 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 50 | 3 | ECON 2301 |
Principles of Microeconomics | 50 | 3 | ECON 2302 |
English Literature | 50 | 3 | ENGL 2321 |
American Literature | 50 | 3 | ENGL 2326 |
French Language, Level I | 50 | 8 | FREN 1411, 1412 |
French Language, Level II | 59 | 11 | FREN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
German Language, Level I | 50 | 8 | GERM 1411, 1412 |
German Language, Level II | 60 | 11 | GERM 1411, 1412, 2311 |
*American Government | 50 | 3 | GOVT 2305 |
History of United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 | 50 | 3 | HIST 1301 |
History of United States II: 1865 to Present | 50 | 3 | HIST 1302 |
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | 50 | 3 | HIST 2311 |
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present | 50 | 3 | HIST 2312 |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | 3 | MRKG 1311 |
College Algebra | 50 | 3 | MATH 1314 |
Precalculus | 50 | 4 | MATH 2412 |
Calculus | 50 | 4 | MATH 2413 |
General Psychology | 50 | 3 | PSYC 2301 |
Lifespan Growth & Development | 50 | 3 | PSYC 2314 |
Introduction to Sociology | 50 | 3 | SOCI 1301 |
Spanish Language, Level I | 50 | 8 | SPAN 1411, 1412 |
Spanish Language, Level II | 63 | 11 | SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
CLEP Paper/Pencil Exams
(CLEP General Exams are NOT approved)
Paper/pencil CLEP Tests are no longer administered, but the required scores, from such tests, taken within the past ten years can be utilized. * See College Testing Center for test limitations on these CLEP tests.
Test Name | Minimum Score | Credits | Course(s) |
Principles of Accounting | 45 | 6 | ACCT 2301, 2302 |
Principles of Management | 46 | 3 | BMGT 1327 |
General Biology | 46 | 8 | BIOL 1406, 1407 |
Intro to Business Law | 51 | 3 | BUSI 2301 |
General Chemistry | 47 | 8 | CHEM 1411, 1412 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 44 | 3 | ECON 2301 |
Principles of Microeconomics | 41 | 3 | ECON 2302 |
English Literature | 46 | 6 | ENGL 2322, 2323 |
American Literature | 46 | 6 | ENGL 2327, 2328 |
College Level French Language | 42 | 8 | FREN 1411, 1412 |
College Level German Language | 36 | 8 | GERM 1411, 1412 |
College Level German Language | 42 | 14 | GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
*American Government | 47 | 3 | GOVT 2305 |
History of U.S. I | 47 | 3 | HIST 1301 |
History of U.S. II | 46 | 3 | HIST 1302 |
Western Civilization 1 | 46 | 3 | HIST 2311 |
Western Civilization 2 | 47 | 3 | HIST 2312 |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | 3 | MRKG 1311 |
College Algebra | 46 | 3 | MATH 1314 |
Trigonometry | 50 | 3 | MATH 1316 |
Calculus w/ Elem. Functions | 41 | 5 | MATH 2413 |
Intro. Psychology | 47 | 3 | PSYC 2301 |
Human Growth and Development | 45 | 3 | PSYC 2314 |
Intro. Sociology | 47 | 3 | SOCI 1301 |
College Level Spanish Language | 45 | 8 | SPAN 1411, 1412 |
College Level Spanish Language | 50 | 14 | SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
*In order to receive credit-by-exam for GOVT 2306, students must take a departmental test on Texas Government. The departmental GOVT 2306 test may be given only to students who have also received credit for Government 2305 via CLEP.
AP Advanced Placement
(*See more information below concerning these exams.)
Test Name | Minimum Score | Credits | Course(s) |
Art History | 3 | 6 | ARTS 1303, 1304 |
Biology | 3 | 8 | BIOL 1406, 1407 |
Calculus AB | 3 | 4 | MATH 2413 |
Calculus BC | 3 | 8 | MATH 2414, 2413 |
Chemistry | 3 | 8 | CHEM 1411, 1412 |
Chinese Language and Culture | 3 | 8 | CHIN 1411, 1412 |
Chinese Language and Culture | 4 | 11 | CHIN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
Chinese Language and Culture | 5 | 14 | CHIN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
Computer Science A (test taken between 08/01/92 to 10/16/06) | 3 | 3 | COSC 1415 |
Computer Science A (test taken from 10/17/06 to present) | 3 | 8 | COSC 1436, 1437 |
English - Language and Comp | 3 | 3 | ENGL 1301 |
*English - Literature and Comp | 3 | (3 hours of Literature - ENGL) |
*French - Language | 3 | 8 | FREN 1411, 1412 |
*French - Language | 4 | 11 | FREN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
*French - Language | 5 | 14 | FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
*German - Language | 3 | 8 | GERM 1411, 1412 |
*German - Language | 4 | 11 | GERM 1411, 1412, 2311 |
*German - Language | 5 | 14 | GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
Government & Politics - US | 3 | 3 | GOVT 2305 |
Government - Comparative and Politics | 3 | 3 | GOVT 2371 |
History - European | 3 | 6 | HIST 2311, 2312 |
History - US | 3 | 6 | HIST 1301, 1302 |
Human Geography | 3 | 3 | GEOG 1302 |
Japanese Language and Culture | 3 | 8 | JAPN 1411, 1412 |
Japanese Language and Culture | 4 | 11 | JAPN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
Japanese Language and Culture | 5 | 14 | JAPN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
Macroeconomics | 3 | 3 | ECON 2301 |
Microeconomics | 3 | 3 | ECON 2302 |
Music Theory | 3 | 3 | MUSI 1311 |
Physics C (test taken between 08/01/2004 to 08/31/14) | 3 | 8 | PHYS 2425, 2426 |
Physics B (test taken between 08/01/2004 to 08/31/14) | 3 | 8 | PHYS 1401, 1402 |
Physics 1 | 3 | 4 | PHYS 1401 |
Physics 2 | 3 | 4 | PHYS 1402 |
Physics C - Mechanical | 3 | 4 | PHYS 2425 |
Physics C - Electrical & Magnetic | 3 | 4 | PHYS 2426 |
Psychology | 3 | 3 | PSYC 2301 |
*Spanish - Language | 3 | 8 | SPAN 1411, 1412 |
*Spanish - Language | 4 | 11 | SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311 |
*Spanish - Language | 5 | 14 | SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 |
Studio Art-Drawing | 3 | 3 | ARTS 1316 |
*Students taking Advanced Placement Exams have a choice of receiving a grade or "CR" for credit, except for the AP language exams and English--Literature and Composition exam, for which only "CR" may be granted. For all but the AP language exams and English--Literature and Composition exam, a score of 3 equals C; a score of 4 equals B; a score of 5 equals A. If you take any of the tests listed above, you should check with the Registrar's Office to ensure these tests will be accepted in lieu of coursework. You should do this prior to taking the test as the previous list may change. You may challenge courses not on this list by taking an instructor-made examination. If you are interested in this method, contact the appropriate academic division office.
Test Name | Minimum Score | Credits | Course(s) |
Principles of Financial Accounting (version 1 retired 02/01/2010) | 49 | 3 | ACCT 2301 |
Introduction to Business (version 1 retired 06/30/2009) | 46 | 3 | BUSI 1301 |
Introduction to Business (version 2 retired 12/31/2012) | 400 | 3 | BUSI 1301 |
Introduction to Business (version 3) | 400 | 3 | BUSI 1301 |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology (retired 06/30/14) | 46 | 3 | PSYC 2314 |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology (updated version for new Minimum Score) | 400 | 3 | PSYC 2314 |
Students who pass all sections of the Certified Administrator Professional (CAP) exam will be granted credit for 15 hours (or five courses) from a selected list of DCCCD BOSS courses:
POFI 1301 - Computer Applications I
POFI 1341 - Computer Applictions II (MS Office) or
POFI 1349 - Spreadsheets (Excel)
POFT 1301 - Business English
POFT 1309 - Administrative Office Procedures
POFT 1319 - Records Management
POFT 2312 - Business Correspondence and Communication
Students must complete 12 college level hours within the college and at least two courses must be completed in the Bussiness Office Systems and Support (BOSS) program with a grade of "C" or better. Credit earned through the CAP is applicable only to the BOSS program.