2016 - 2017 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Attending Classes

You are expected to attend regularly all classes in which you enroll. You have the responsibility to attend class and to consult with the instructor when an absence occurs.

Instructors are responsible for describing attendance policies and procedures to you. If you are unable to complete a course (or courses) in which you are enrolled, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the course by the appropriate date. If you do not withdraw, you will receive a performance grade, usually a grade of "F".

Under Texas Education Code, Section 51.911, all institutions of higher education shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. If a student and an instructor disagree about the nature of the absence being for the observance of a religious holy day, or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the President of the institution or his or her designee. The student and instructor shall abide by the decision of the chief executive officer or his/her designee.

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