2016 - 2017 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Admission Requirements

The colleges of the DCCCD encourage students to pursue an education beyond high school and welcome all students to attend. Students are encouraged to complete the application process well before registration begins for the term they plan to attend.

All students must complete the application process. A new application is required for all new students and for former students who stopped out for one year or more. An application is good at all the colleges of the DCCCD, and students may register at any college of the DCCCD without submitting an additional application.

The admissions process includes the following:

Detailed steps to complete the admissions process are listed below. Refer to student classification type for specific admissions requirements.

Student Classification Type

Additional information on the admissions process can be found on the college websites:

Brookhaven College
Cedar Valley College
Eastfield College
El Centro College
Mountain View College
North Lake College
Richland College

Residency Determination

The determination of residency classification for tuition purposes by the colleges in the DCCCD is governed by statutes enacted by the Texas Legislature and regulations developed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. It is the responsibility of each college's Admissions Office to determine residency classification based on the information that is submitted on the admissions application. The Admissions Office reserves the right to request additional information in order to comply with State of Texas residency requirements prior to enrollment and certification date of the semester. The applicant has the burden of proof to show by clear and convincing evidence that residence or domicile, as appropriate, has been established and maintained.

The general residency classification is as follows:

  • Dallas County (In-District): A person currently residing in Dallas County who has been granted Texas residency status.
  • Out-of-District: A Texas resident who does not reside in Dallas County during the semester(s) the student is enrolled.
  • Out-of-State: A U.S. citizen or a non-U.S. citizen with the ability to domicile in the U.S. who has not lived in Texas for the past 12 months.
  • Out-of-Country: A non-U.S. citizen who has not been granted permanent resident status or an individual that has been issued a visa that does not allow domicile in the U.S.

Texas Residency

Many factors affect residency status. The following persons shall be classified as Texas residents and entitled to pay Texas resident tuition:

  1. A person who maintained a residence continuously for the 36 months preceding the date they graduated from a public or accredited private high school in Texas or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Texas and has resided in Texas 12 months preceding the census date of the academic semester in which they enroll.
  2. A person who established or maintained domicile in Texas not less than 12 months prior to census date of the academic semester.
  3. A dependent whose parent has established or maintained domicile in Texas not less than 12 months prior to census date of the academic semester.

An individual whose initial purpose for moving to Texas is to attend an institution of higher education as a full-time student will be presumed not to have the required intent to make Texas his or her domicile; however, the presumption may be overruled by clear and convincing evidence. An individual shall not ordinarily be able to establish domicile by performing acts which are directly related to fulfilling educational objectives or are required or routinely performed by temporary residents of the State.

In-District Residency

Dallas County residency cannot be determined until Texas residency status is established. Once Texas residency has been established, classification of in-district (Dallas County resident) or out-of-district is based on where the student physically resides. If a student is classified as a Texas (in-state) resident and resides in Dallas County, they are eligible for the in-district tuition rate. A waiver may be granted each academic year to students who reside outside of Dallas County, but who own property in Dallas County subject to the Community College Ad Valorem Tax waiver. If a student meets in-state requirements but resides outside of Dallas County, the student will pay the out-of-district tuition rate. If the student moves outside of Dallas County, on or before a semester’s certification date, the student must pay the additional (out-of-district) tuition rate.

Foreign Nationals
Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence status that is not temporary have the same privileges as a U.S. citizen to qualify for resident status. You will be required to provide the necessary documentation needed to establish Texas residency.

If an applicant wishes to be reclassified, they must contact the Admissions Office of the college they are attending. The Admissions Office reserves the right to request additional information in order to comply with the State of Texas residency requirements. The Admissions Office will make residency changes only when sufficient documentation is submitted prior to the census date (or official reporting date).

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