Students Concurrently Enrolled in High School and the College
If you are still enrolled in high school you may be admitted under the following conditions:
- If you have completed your junior year in an accredited high school, you may be admitted with your high school principal's written recommendation. You must also present scores on one of the following state approved tests: TSIA, ACT, SAT, TAKS or STAAR, with results indicating your ability to complete college-level work. TSIA is available at the college. Generally, you may take no more than two courses each semester. The college-vice president or designate will have a conversation with prospective students under the age of sixteen (16) and their parents so that expectations of college readiness issues of the students, parents, and college are clarified. These issues will be considered in determining readiness for college-level course work.
- If you have not completed your junior year at an accredited high school, you may be admitted upon meeting all of the following conditions:
- Submit your high school principal's written recommendation;
- Present scores on TSIA, TAKS or STAAR with results indicating your ability to do college-level work;
- Receive approval from the college Vice President of Instruction or designate. Upon approval, discuss with the college dual credit administrator your course options and the number of dual credit courses a student may take in a given semester.
- The college-vice president or designate will have a conversation with prospective students under the age of sixteen (16) and their parents so that expectations of college readiness issues of the students, parents, and college are clarified. These issues will be considered in determining readiness for college-level course work.
- If you are enrolled in non-accredited high schools or educated in a non-traditional setting (i.e., home-schooled) and have completed the equivalent of the junior year (16 units) in high school, you may be admitted by meeting all the following conditions:
- Provide a notarized record of the school subjects completed (consistent with the Texas Education Agency minimum requirements);
- Present scores on TSIA, TAKS or STAAR with results indicating your ability to do college-level work;
- Complete the enrollment agreement noting you understand and accept that academic freedom and the collegiate environment is supported in all courses within the college;
- Agree to limitations on conditions of admission.
- Receive approval from College's Vice President of Instruction or designate.
- High school students are generally not admitted into developmental courses unless a contract for such services exists between the college and the school. Most financial aid programs are available only to students who have either graduated from high school or have a G.E.D. Please see the Financial Aid section of the catalog.
Important Notice
Students should take care when selecting additional courses to be transferred toward a Baccalaureate degree. House Bill 1172 allows an institution to charge the equivalent of out of state tuition for credit hours taken beyond the state limits.
State limits are:
- For students entering public Texas institutions Fall 1999 - Summer 2006 who attempt 45 hours beyond what is required for Baccalaureate degree (120 hours).
- For students entering Fall 2006 and thereafter who attempt 30 hours beyond the hours required for a Baccalaureate degree.
It is recommended that students take minimal hours beyond degree requirements to avoid possible higher tuition charges at the institution to which they are transferring.