Core History

Beginning fall 1999, every Texas public college and university was required by Texas law to have a core curriculum. The Core Curriculum of the colleges of DCCCD has evolved and changed since it was first mandated in 1999. This page serves as a guide to these changes.

The official transcript of the colleges of DCCCD shows the Core codes for the active Core Curriculum at the time the transcript is printed. As a result, Core codes for all component areas may not be present on a student's transcript even if it indicates he or she is "core complete."

If you have further questions regarding the historical Cores, please contact the Registrar's Office at any of the colleges of DCCCD.

Current Core Curriculum

   Core Curriculum 2014 (Beginning Fall 2014)

Historical Core Curriculum

   Core Curriculum 2010 (Effective Fall 2010 - Summer 2014)
   Core Curriculum 1999 (Effective Fall 1999 - Summer 2010)
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