2014 - 2015 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Grades and Grade Point Average

Final grades are reported for each student for every course according to the following grading system.

Grade InterpretationGrade Point Value (GPV)
A Excellent performance 4 grade points
B Good performance 3 grade points
C Average performance 2 grade points
D Poor performance 1 grade points
F Failing performance 0 grade points
WF Withdrawn failing performance (Discontinued) 0 grade points
CR C or better Not computed
E Effort Not computed
I Incomplete Not computed
NR Not reported by instructor Not computed
P Progress (Discontinued) Not computed
W Withdrawn Not computed
WP Withdrawn passing (Discontinued) Not computed
WX Progress, re-enrollment required Not computed

Calculating Your Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade points earned for each course are determined by multiplying the number of points for each grade by the number of credit hours the course carries. For example, if you take a three-hour course and earn an "A" you will accumulate 12 grade points for that course. Your grade point average is then computed by adding the total grade points for all courses and dividing by the number of credit hours attempted during the same period. For example, if you take the following courses, and earn the following grades, you will have a grade point average of 2.93:

Credit Hours                  X Grade (GPV)   = Grade Points
2-hour course A (4) 8
3-hour course B (3) 9
4-hour course B (3) 12
3-hour course C (2) 6
Total Credit Hours: 12 Total Grade Points: 35
35/12 = 2.93

Your transcript and grade reports will indicate two different Grade Point Averages, called GPAs. GPA(1) is based upon all courses completed in colleges of the DCCCD in which you received a performance grade of A-F. GPA(1) is used to determine Suspension/Probation status and athletic participation eligibility. GPA(2) is based upon grade points earned in all college-level courses taken at the college and all other colleges of the DCCCD in which you received a performance grade of A-F. Courses numbered below 1000, ARTS 1170, DIRS 9170, 9270, 9370, DRAM 1121, MUSI 9176 and 9378 are not used in the calculation of GPA(2). GPA(2) is used to determine eligibility for graduation, honor rolls and eligibility in Who's Who in American Junior Colleges. It is also the GPA that may be considered by four-year institutions if you transfer.

For repeated courses, only the latest grade earned is included in cumulative grade point averages even if the latest grade is lower than a preceding grade. However, transcripts do indicate all work attempted and completed at all of the colleges of the DCCCD. When you withdraw from a course being repeated, the cumulative grade point average is calculated by using the immediately preceding grade in the same course.

If you believe an error has been made in determining a course grade, you should contact the instructor or appropriate division office as soon as possible. For more information, see Grade Dispute Resolution in the section on College Policies and Procedures.

An incomplete grade of "I" may be given when an unforeseen emergency prevents you from completing the work in a course. The "I" must be converted to a performance grade (A-F) within 90 days after the first day of classes in the subsequent regular semester. If the work is not completed after 90 days, the "I" is converted to a performance grade, usually an "F".

An Incomplete Contract is used to assign an incomplete grade and states the requirements for the satisfactory completion of the course. The Incomplete Contract must be agreed upon and signed by the instructor, you and the appropriate division dean and submitted with the final grade report. When an Incomplete Contract must be submitted without your signature, the instructor must include a statement indicating that you are aware of and agree with the contract.

If you do not complete course requirements, you may receive a "WX" grade when the instructor determines that reasonable progress has been made and when you can re-enroll for course completion prior to the certification date in the next regular semester. If you do not complete the course requirements, the "WX" is converted to a performance grade.

An "E" grade may be given when an instructor wishes to indicate that you have made progress in a developmental studies course. An "E" grade is non-punitive and is not computed. The "E" grade provides more flexibility for re-enrollment, particularly for students who do not achieve a C-level grade in a course. An "E" grade indicates that you participated in a course according to TSI guidelines, but were unable to do C-level or passing work that would qualify you to enroll in transfer-level courses. The "E" grade indicates below college skill level work, but shows that you participated in and attended the class and attempted to do the work in the course.

Students on Federal Financial Aid should check with the Financial Aid Office concerning "E" grade(s) and any impact they have on benefits.

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