Program: Computer Information Technology (Web/Internet Services Awards)
ENGL 1301 | Composition I | 3 |
ARTC 1302 | Digital Imaging I | 3 |
ITSE 1429 | Programming Logic and Design1 | 4 |
IMED 1416 | Web Design I | 4 |
ARTS 1311 | 2-D Design OR | 3 |
+Elective | Humanities/Fine Arts | (3) |
17 |
IMED 2315 | Web Design II OR | 3 |
IMED 2415 | Web Design II OR | (4) |
ARTC 1359 | Visual Design for New Media | (3) |
IMED 2449 | Internet Server Management | 4 |
ITSE 1411 | Beginning Web Programming2 | 4 |
ITSW 1307 | Introduction to Database OR | 3 |
ITSW 1407 | Introduction to Database OR | (4) |
ITSE 1303 | Introduction to MySQL | (3) |
14-16 |
ITSE 2402 | Intermediate Web Programming3 OR | 4 |
INEW 1440 | ASP.NET Programming OR | (4) |
ITSE 1406 | PHP Programming | (4) |
IMED 2313 | Project Analysis and Design OR | 3 |
IMED 2311 | Portfolio Development | (3) |
SPCH 1311 | Introduction to Speech Communication OR | 3 |
SPCH 1315 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | (3) |
++Elective | Web Design Elective | 3-4 |
13-14 | ||
Minimum Hours Required | 44-47 |
+Humanities/Fine Arts Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Humanities/Fine Arts.
++Web Design Elective:
INEW 2334 | Advanced Web Programming4 | 3 |
INEW 2434 | Advanced Web Programming4 | 4 |
IMED 1345 | Interactive Digital Media I | 3 |
IMED 1445 | Interactive Digital Media I | 4 |
ITSE 1301 | Web Design Tools | 3 |
ITSE 1401 | Web Design Tools | 4 |
ITSE 1491 | Special Topics in Computer Programming | 4 |
ARTC 1359 | Visual Design for New Media | 3 |
ARTV 2301 | 2-D Animation I | 3 |
ARTV 1341 | 3-D Animation I | 3 |
ARTV 1351 | Digital Video | 3 |
ARTV 2330 | 2-D Animation II | 3 |
ARTV 2351 | 3-D Animation II | 3 |
IMED 1359 | Writing for Digital Media | 3 |
ITSC 1415 | Project Management Software | 4 |
1Programming Logic and Design covers basic programming in JavaScript.
2Beginning Web Programming covers client-side programming techniques in JavaScript.
3Intermediate Web Programming covers server-side programming techniques. Languages will vary but may include ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, or other languages.
4Advanced Web Programming covers advanced topics in server- or client-side programming. Languages will vary but may include ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, or other languages.