2014 - 2015 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Program: Commercial Music
Degree Plan: Performing Musician Certificate

Gainful Employment Information

(Level I Certificate)

Cedar Valley only

  • Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
  • Students must earn at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by the college awarding the degree.

Degree Plan Code: C1.MUSI.PERFORMING

This program is designed to prepare the instrumental or vocal student for entry-level positions in the live performing market of commercial music (jazz, rock, pop, country, etc, ) with enough training provided for a strong foundation to build upon. Coursework includes development of music theory written and aural skills, keyboard introduction, audio engineering and MIDI skills, and development of improvisation skills and repertoire applicable to the individual student.



MUSI 1311 Music Theory I 3
MUSI 1116 Musicianship I 1
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSI 1310 History of Jazz/Rock Music 3
+Ensemble 1
++Applied Music 1


MUSC 2141 Forum/Recital 1
MUSC 1327 Audio Engineering I OR 3
MUSC 1331 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) I (3)
MUSP 1391 Special Topics in Music-General Performance 3
MUSC 2314 Improvisation Theory I OR 3
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble (2)
+Ensemble 1
++Applied Music 2
Minimum Hours Required 25-26

+Ensembles - must be selected from the following:

MUEN 1134 Guitar Ensemble 1
MUEN 1135 Percussion Ensemble 1
MUEN 1151 Vocal Ensemble 1
MUEN 2123 Lab Band 1

++Applied music courses to be selected from any music course numbered from MUAP 1101 through MUAP 1181 or MUAP 2201 through MUAP 2281.

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