2014 - 2015 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Program: Commercial Music
Degree Plan: Music Business and Entrepreneurship Certificate

Gainful Employment Information

(Level I Certificate)

Cedar Valley only

  • Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
  • Students must earn at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by the college awarding the degree.

Degree Plan Code: C1.CM.BUS.ENTRP

This program is designed to prepare the music major in retailing for the music industry job market. Training is provided in music skills as well as in business, i.e., business of music, salesmanship, retailing techniques.



MUSI 1301 Fundamentals of Music I 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
BUSI 1301 Introduction to Business 3


MUSC 1331 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) I OR 3
MUSC 1327 Audio Engineering I (3)
MUSB 1380 Cooperative Education - Music Management 3
MRKG 2333 Principles of Selling 3
MRKG 1302 Principles of Retailing 3
Minimum Hours Required 22

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.

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