Program: Fashion Design![]()
This degree plan includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. New students who are entering the college for the first time should follow the version on this page. Show me the June 9, 2014, web published version. Show me what changed in 2014-2015. FASHION DESIGN -- APPAREL DESIGN(Associate in Applied Sciences Degree) El Centro only
Degree Plan Code: AAS.FASHION.APPAREL The apparel designer converts the design idea into an industrial paper pattern used in the mass production of clothing. New style trends each season demand individual creative thinking to develop saleable designs. Upon successful completion of the program, the student enters a women's wear or children's wear manufacturing company as an assistant in the design department. Students must complete all FSHN and FSHD courses with a "C" or better to be awarded this degree. The Fashion design student is provided a program curriculum of study related to the fashion industry. Fashion classes along with the general core education courses enables the student to enter a specialized track of either Apparel Design or Pattern Design in the second year of studies. Upon completion of the 32-semester hour core, students should select one of two specialties: Apparel Design or Pattern Design.
SEMESTERS I AND II (Program Core Curriculum)SEMESTER I
+Student must make a "C" or better to continue on to FSHN 1418 Pattern Drafting II. NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four year institution of their choice. ![]()
This degree plan includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. New students who are entering the college for the first time should follow the version on this page. Show me the June 9, 2014, web published version. Show me what changed in 2014-2015. FASHION DESIGN -- PATTERN DESIGN(Associate in Applied Sciences Degree) El Centro only
Degree Plan Code: AAS.FASHION.PATTERN The pattern designer converts the fashion sketch or original garment into an industrial paper pattern used in the mass production of clothing. Drafting is the skill of developing a flat pattern with measurements. Draping is the skill of developing a pattern by placing cloth over a dress form. Upon completion of the program, the student enters a women's wear or children's wear manufacturing company as an assistant in the pattern department. Students must complete all FSHN and FSHD courses with a "C" or better to be awarded this degree. The Fashion design student is provided a program curriculum of study related to the fashion industry. Fashion classes along with the general core education courses enables the student to enter a specialized track of either Apparel Design or Pattern Design in the second year of studies. Upon completion of the 32-semester hour core, students should select one of two specialties: Apparel Design or Pattern Design.
SEMESTERS I AND II (Program Core Curriculum)SEMESTER I
+Student must make a "C" or better to continue on to FSHN 1418 Pattern Drafting II. NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four year institution of their choice. ![]()
This degree plan includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. New students who are entering the college for the first time should follow the version on this page. Show me the June 9, 2014, web published version. Show me what changed in 2014-2015. FASHION DESIGN -- THEATRICAL COSTUME DESIGNGainful Employment Information(Level I Certificate) El Centro only
Degree Plan Code: C1.FSHD.THEATRICAL The Theatrical Costume Design Certificate Program prepares the student for an entry-level job in a theatrical costume workshop. Students must complete all FSHN, FSHD, and DRAM courses with a "C" or better to be awarded this certificate.
+Students must make a grade of "C" or better in FSHN 1417 Pattern Drafting I to continue on to FSHN 1318 Pattern Drafting II. ++Students must make a grade of "C" or better in FSHN 1318 Pattern Drafting II to continue on to FSHN 2315 Pattern Drafting III. |