2014 - 2015 Combined Catalogs of the Colleges

Course Descriptions for Engineering Technology

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These Course Descriptions include updates that were added after the original publication on June 9, 2014.
New students who are entering the college for the first time should follow this version when selecting courses.

Show me the June 9, 2014, web published version.
Show me what changed in 2014-2015.

CETT 1204 (2 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

High-Reliability Soldering
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Instruction in this course will teach high reliability soldering, desoldering, circuitry repair, plated-thru-hole repairs, conformal coating removal, industry standards, electrostatic discharge (ESD) control, surface mount device (SMD) installation, removal and replacement using hand held systems or reflow workstations. Students will solder highly reliable connections; solder to industry standards; desolder connections; install surface mount devices; remove surface mount devices; remove conformal coatings; repair and/or replace traces, pads, and eyelets. (1 Lec., 2 Lab.)

CETT 1303 (3 Credit Hours) Reinstated course added July 1, 2014
Offered at RLC

DC Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals of direct current including Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis techniques. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

CETT 1305 (3 Credit Hours) Reinstated course added July 1, 2014
Offered at RLC

AC Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals of alternating current including series and parallel AC circuits, phasors, capacitive and inductive networks, transformers, and resonance. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

CETT 1331 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Technical Programming
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1414 or the equivalent.
Course Description: Introduction to a high level programming language such as BASIC, PASCAL, or "C". Topics include structured programming and problem solving as they apply to technical applications. This course is cross-listed as CETT 1431. The student may register for either CETT 1331 or CETT 1431 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

CETT 1357 (3 Credit Hours) New course added July 1, 2014
Offered at RLC

Linear Integrated Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the characteristics, operations, and testing of linear integrated circuits. Applications include instrumentation and active filtering. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

CETT 1402 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Electricity Principles
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Principles of electricity including proper use of test equipment, A/C and D/C circuits, and component theory and operation. Students will identify basic principles of electricity (A/C and D/C), voltage, current, and circuitry; apply Ohm's law to electrical calculations; use test equipment to measure continuity, voltage, and current values; and use electrical safety practices. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1403 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

DC Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals of direct current including Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis techniques. Emphasis on circuit analysis of resistive networks and DC measurements. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1405 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

AC Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1403.
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals of alternating current including series and parallel AC circuits, phasors, capacitive and inductive networks, transformers, and resonance. This course is cross-listed as CETT 1305. The student may register for either CETT 1405 or CETT 1305 but may receive credit for only one of the two (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1407 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Fundamentals of Electronics
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Applies concepts of electricity, electronics, and digital fundamentals; supports programs requiring a general knowledge of electronics. Students will build and test circuits using analog and digital components; visually identify components and component values; build and test series and parallel resistive circuits; check resistors, diodes, and transistors using a multimeter. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1425 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Digital Fundamentals
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An entry-level course in digital electronics to include numbering systems, logic gates, Boolean algebra, and combinational logic This course is cross-listed as CETT 1325. The student may register for either CETT 1425 or CETT 1325 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1429 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Solid State Devices
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1403 and credit or concurrent enrollment in CETT 1405.
Course Description: A study of diodes, transistor characteristics and other semiconductor devices, including analysis of static and dynamic characteristics, biasing techniques, and thermal considerations. This course is cross-listed as CETT 1329. The student may register for either CETT 1429 or CETT 1329 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab./3 Lec., 2 Lab.)

CETT 1431 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Programming for Discrete Electronic Devices
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduction to a high level programming language. Includes structured programming and problem solving applicable to discrete electronic devices. This course is cross-listed as CETT 1331. The student may register for either CETT 1331 or CETT 1431 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1441 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Solid State Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1429.
Course Description: A study of various semiconductor devices incorporated in circuits and their applications. Emphasis on circuit construction, measurements, and analysis. Topics will include JFETs, MOSFETs, oscillators, thyristors, power supply systems, voltage regulators, multistage amplifiers and power amplifiers. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1445 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1425.
Course Description: An introductory course in microprocessor software and hardware; its architecture, timing sequence, operation, and programming; and discussion of appropriate software diagnostic language and tools. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1449 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Digital Systems
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1429.
Course Description: Digital Systems is a course in electronics covering digital systems. Emphasis on application and troubleshooting digital systems using counters, registers, code converters, multiplexers, analog-to-digital circuits, digital-to-analog circuits, and large-scale integrated circuits. The student will evaluate the operation of digital systems while operating in correct and fault mode using various test instruments; describe the difference between a digital system and an analog system; and draw a simple block diagram of a digital computer system. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1457 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Linear Integrated Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1429.
Course Description: In depth coverage of the characteristics, operations, stabilization, testing, and feedback techniques of linear integrated circuits. Application in computation, measurements, instrumentation, and active filtering. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1470 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Foundations
This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite: Students should have a good understanding of Local Area Network (LAN) and Internet Protocol concepts such as that provided by the PTR Introduction to Data Communications and Networking course. Knowledge of the BASIC workings of a PBX is recommended.
Course Description: The objective of this course is to provide a technical and practical overview of Voice over IP (VoIP). The course identifies the main elements of the technology and presents them in an accessible format. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1471 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Wireless Site Survey
This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite: Understanding of basic wireless LAN and basic networking concepts.
Course Description: This hands-on course trains students to determine optimum installation locations for wireless LAN access points, wireless bridges, and RFID readers, assess impacts of RF transmission impairments, and document findings for enterprise and public wireless LANs. This course includes demonstrations and student exercises. Each student will learn the objective evaluation of the environment and obtain skills for performing wireless LAN site surveys. (3 Lec., 4 Lab.)

CETT 1472 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Wireless Sensors Network
This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite: Recommended that students have beginning level of C programming and/or shell scripting experience.
Course Description: This course is designed to enable students to setup the programming environment, configure sensors, deploy sensors, and integrate sensors in the existing network environment. This course utilizes the TinyOS programming model and nesC terminology to create sensor applications that can be deployed on Motes in the wireless sensor network. This course enables students to interface with the sensor network and log collected data on a web interface utilizing radio communication's software stack. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 1491 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Special Topics in Computer Engineering Technology/Technician
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: This course will teach individuals in the renewable energy field how to read, interpret and correlate schematic drawings, in the fields of electronics, construction trades, mechanical, electrical, pneumatics, and hydraulics. These students will be able to read a drawing, go to the physical device and produce the drawing, or begin at the physical device and reduce it to a drawing. The course is also intended to make a person proficient in the physical construction of a drawing. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 2337 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Microcomputer Control
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1425.
Course Description: A study of microprocessors and microcomputers with an emphasis on embedded controllers for industrial and commercial applications. Topics include RAM, ROM and input/output (I/O) interfacing. Introduction to programming. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

CETT 2433 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Digital Computer Circuits
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1429.
Course Description: Digital Computer circuits is a study of the three major component systems of a digital computer including arithmetic logic operations, RAM and ROM memory systems, and control systems. The student will explain the operation of the three basic sections of any computer system. The student will construct and troubleshoot computer circuits including arithmetic logic units, memory systems, and control systems; describe the function of the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) in a computer system; and how a computer knows what to address when first cold booted. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 2435 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Microprocessors
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1445.
Course Description: An advanced course utilizing the microprocessor in control systems and interfacing. Emphasis on microprocessor hardware and implementation of peripheral interfacing. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 2443 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Principles of Color Television
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1429.
Course Description: This course covers the principles of color television receivers including signal processing circuits and provides color TV theory and hands-on experience in basic color TV service. The student will explain the principles of color television receivers; test color TV receiver circuits for proper operation and verify FCC color television parameters. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

CETT 2449 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Research and Project Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Principles of electrical/electronic design encompassing schematics wiring diagrams, materials lists, operating characteristics, completion schedules, and cost estimates. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

CETT 2480 (4 Credit Hours) New course added June 24, 2014
Offered at EFC

Cooperative Education-Computer Engineering Technology/ Technician
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 26 Ext.)

CETT 2481 (4 Credit Hours) New course added June 24, 2014
Offered at EFC

Cooperative Education-Computer Engineering Technology/ Technician
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 26 Ext.)

DFTG 1208 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Basic Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to basic computer-aided drafting. Emphasis is placed on drawing setup; creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating, and scaling objects, adding text and dimensions, using layers, coordinating systems; as well as input and output devices. Required. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 1215 (2 Credit Hours)
Offered at MVC

Architectural Blueprint Reading
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the fundamentals of blueprint reading for the construction industry. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 1224 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Blueprint Reading and Sketching
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to reading and interpreting the "working drawings" for manufactured products and associated tooling. Use of sketching techniques to create pictorial and multiple-view drawings of manufactured parts. (1 Lec., 2 Lab.)

DFTG 1225 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Blueprint Reading and Sketching
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to reading and interpreting the "working drawings" for manufactured products and associated tooling. Use of sketching techniques to create pictorial and multiple-view drawings of manufactured parts. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 1232 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Mechanical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Detail drawings with proper dimensioning and tolerances, use of sectioning techniques, common fasteners, pictorial drawings, including bill of materials. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 1271 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

CADD Operations
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: A course in hardware selection, setup, and use of a CAD station. Emphasis is placed on control of the operating system, file management, and keyboarding. Topics address: software installation, hardware installation and configuration, such as mouse, tablet, printers, plotters, graphics adapters, and other configurable items such as communication ports, and serial ports. An introduction to word processing and spreadsheets is included. (1 Lec., 2 Lab.)

DFTG 1302 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Introduction to Technical Animation and Rendering
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1409.
Course Description: Basic terminology and concepts associated with the development of computer modules used in technical computer animation. Topics include basic animation principles, model creation, light sources, camera positioning, rendering, importing and modification of external files. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1305 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at ECC

Technical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduction to the principles of drafting to include terminology and fundamentals, including size and shape descriptions, projection methods, geometric construction, sections, auxiliary views, and reproduction processes. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 1405. The student may register for either DFTG 1305 or DFTG 1405 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1309 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at NLC, RLC

Basic Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to computer-aided drafting. Emphasis is placed on setup; creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating, and scaling objects, adding text and dimensions, using layers, coordinate systems, and plot/print to scale. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 1409. The student may register for either DFTG 1309 or DFTG 1409 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

DFTG 1313 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Drafting for Specific Occupations
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Discussion of theory and practice with drafting methods and the terminology required for non-drafting majors to prepare working drawings in their occupational fields. (3 Lec.)

DFTG 1315 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Architectural Blueprint Reading
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Introductory.
Course Description: The fundamentals of blueprint reading for the construction industry will be examined. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1325 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Blueprint Reading and Sketching
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to reading and interpreting working drawings for fabrication processes and associated trades. Use of sketching techniques to create pictorial and multiple-view drawings. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1329 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Electro-Mechanical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A basic course including layout and design of electro-mechanical equipment from engineering notes and sketches. Emphasis on drawing of electronic equipment control panels, interior hardware, exterior enclosures, detailed and assembly drawings with a parts list, and flat pattern layouts. (2 Lec, 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1333 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Mechanical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An intermediate course covering detail drawings with proper dimensioning and tolerances, use of sectioning techniques, common fasteners, isometrics and oblique drawings, including bill of materials. (2 Lec., 4 Lab. / 2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 1340 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Systems
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics include CAD equipment, software selection and interface; setting up a CAD workstation; upgrading a computer to run advanced CAD software; storage devices; storing, retrieving, back-up and sharing databases; file servers and local area networks (LANs); and transferring drawing files over the Internet. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1341 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Intermediate Technical Animation and Rendering
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1302.
Course Description: Procedures in the manipulation and control of lights, cameras, materials, texturing and rendering techniques used in technical animation; topics include introductory keyframing and lens effects principles. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1344 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Pipe Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of pipe fittings, symbols, specifications and their applications to a piping process system. This application will be demonstrated through the creation of symbols and their usage in flow diagrams, plans, elevations, and isometrics. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1345 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Parametric Modeling and Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Parametric-based design software for mechanical assembly design and drafting. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1348 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Topographical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A course in map drafting. Emphasis is given to plotting of surveyors field notes, plotting elevations, contour drawings, plan and profiles, and laying out traverses. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1354 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Architectural Drafting - Commercial
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drafting procedures, practices and symbols, including preparation of detailed working drawings for commercial structure with emphasis on light frame construction methods. (2 Lec., 4 lab.)

DFTG 1358 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Electrical/Electronics Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the principles of layout of electrical and electronic drawings, stressing modern representation used for block diagrams, schematic diagrams, logic diagrams, wiring/assembly drawings, printed circuit board layouts, motor control diagrams, power distribution diagrams, and electrical one-line diagrams. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1372 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Manufacturing Fundamentals
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: A course in manufacturing fundamentals and production methods including NC-CNC concepts. Topics on interpreting and describing information required to produce a CNC program will be covered. An overview of the functions and role of CAD and its relationship to computer-aided manufacturing are studied. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1373 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

CAD/Graphic Processes
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: A course in creating, printing, and plotting graphics in CAD drawings. Skill development in importing text and raster graphics into CAD drawings, importing CAD vector graphics into desktop documents, scanning and editing raster graphics into CAD drawings, and publishing documents. Projects in coordinating text and graphics within a desktop publishing program will include printing black and white, and color publications. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1391 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Special Topics in Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1392 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at MVC

Special Topics in Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1394 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Special Topics in Electrical/Electronics Drafting and Electrical/Electronics CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1395 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at MVC

Special Topics in Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 1405 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Technical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduction to the principles of drafting to include terminology and fundamentals, including size and shape descriptions, projection methods, geometric construction, sections, auxiliary views, and reproduction processes. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 1305. The student may register for either DFTG 1405 or DFTG 1305 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1409 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Basic Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to basic computer-aided drafting. Emphasis is placed on drawing setup; creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating and scaling objects, adding text and dimensions, using layers, coordinating systems; as well as input and output devices. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 1309. The student may register for either DFTG 1409 or DFTG 1309 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1417 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Architectural Drafting - Residential
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drafting procedures, practices, terms, and symbols. Preparation of detailed working drawings for residential structures. Emphasis on light frame construction methods. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1421 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Architectural Illustration
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drawing and sketching, including freehand drawing, perspectives, delineation in various media and development of students' graphical expression, including an introduction to various reproduction methods. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1425 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Blueprint Reading and Sketching
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to reading and interpreting working drawings for fabrication processes and associated trades. Use of sketching techniques to create pictorial and multiple-view drawings. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1445 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Parametric Modeling and Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Parametric-based design software for 3D design and drafting. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1452 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A continuation of practices and techniques used in basic computer-aided drafting emphasizing batched files, scripted files, customized program menus, and extracted attributes. Introduction to three-dimensional drafting. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1454 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Architectural Drafting - Commercial
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drafting procedures, practices, and symbols including the preparation of detailed working drawings for a commercial building with emphasis on commercial construction methods. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 1491 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Special Topics in Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 5 Lab.)

DFTG 1492 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Special Topics in Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 5 Lab.)

DFTG 1493 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Special Topics in Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 5 Lab.)

DFTG 1495 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Special Topics in Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 5 Lab.)

DFTG 2234 (2 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Industrial Drafting Applications
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An advanced synthesis of industrial drafting practices with emphasis on research, design, and project techniques. Required. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2334. The student may register for either DFTG 2234 or DFTG 2334 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 2304 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Printed Circuit Board Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An intermediate course including single-sided and double-sided printed circuit board design, emphasizing the drawings, standards, and processes required to layout printed circuit board and manufacturing documentation. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2305 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Printed Circuit Board Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An intermediate course including single-sided and double-sided printed circuit board design, emphasizing the drawings, standards, and processes required to layout printed circuit board and manufacturing documentation. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2310 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Structural Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Discussion of detail drawings of structural shapes for fabrication with emphasis on framed and seated connectors and beam and column detailing. Designed to meet the standards of America Institute of Steel Construction, including units on concrete detailing conforming to America Concrete Institute standards. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2312 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, RLC

Technical Illustration and Presentation
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1309 or DFTG 1409.
Course Description: Topics include pictorial drawing including isometrics, obliques, perspectives, charts, and graphs. Emphasis on rendering and using different media. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2313 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Basic Integrated Circuit Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: The study of layout and design of integrated circuits. Instruction in layout technology and laboratory exercises to enable students to layout simple digital integrated circuits from schematic diagrams and design rules. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2319 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at NLC

Intermediate Computer Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A continuation of practices and techniques used in basic computer-aided drafting including the development and use of prototype drawings, construction of pictorial drawings, extracting data, and basics of 3D. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2321 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Topographical Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A course in map drafting. Emphasis is given to plotting of surveyors field notes, plotting elevations, contour drawings, plan and profiles, and laying out traverses. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2323 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Pipe Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of pipe fittings, symbols, specifications and their applications to a piping process system. This application will be demonstrated through the creation of symbols and their usage in flow diagrams, plans, elevations, and isometrics. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2328 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at ECC

Architectural Drafting - Commercial
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drafting procedures, practices, and symbols including preparation of detailed working drawings for commercial buildings, with emphasis on construction methods generated using computer aided design technology. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2428. This student may register for either DFTG 2328 or DFTG 2428 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2330 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Civil Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An in-depth study of drafting methods and principles used in civil engineering. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2331 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at ECC

Advanced Technologies in Architectural Design and Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: INDS 1311, INDS 1401, INDS 1315, INDS 1319, INDS 2335, and INDS 2321. Students must earn a grade of "C" or better.
Course Description: Use architectural techniques to design, assemble, evaluate, and render architectural building components; develop plan and elevation drawings and details from three-dimensional architectural models. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

DFTG 2332 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Advanced techniques, including the use of a customized system. Presentation of advanced drawing applications, such as three-dimensional solids modeling and linking graphic entities to external non-graphic data. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2333 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Advanced Integrated Circuit Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 2313.
Course Description: Implementation of advanced techniques in the design of complex integrated circuits; projects require students to use multiple sets of design rules meeting industrial standards of current technologies. Instruction in layout technology and laboratory exercises to enable students to layout complex analog integrated circuits from schematic diagrams and design rules. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2334 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Industrial Drafting Applications
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An advanced synthesis of industrial drafting practices with emphasis on research, design, and project techniques. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2234. The student may register for either DFTG 2334 or DFTG 2234 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 2335 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Advanced Technologies in Mechanical Design and Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 2340.
Course Description: Use parametric based mechanical design software for mechanical assembly design and drafting. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2435. The student may register for either DFTG 2335 or DFTG 2435 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2336 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Computer-Aided Drafting Programming
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Emphasis on the productivity of CAD software through development of computer-aided drafting programs with emphasis on database design, access techniques, and structure methods with particular application in engineering graphics. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2337 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Advanced Technical Animation and Rendering
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1341.
Course Description: The implementation and orchestration of advanced technical three dimensional animation techniques such as hierarchical linking, forward and inverse kinematics, character development, and particle dynamics. Course projects reflect current practices in the architectural, engineering, or construction disciplines. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2338 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Final Project - Advanced Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A drafting course in which students participate in a comprehensive project from conception to conclusion. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

DFTG 2340 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Solid Modeling/Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A computer-aided modeling course. Development of three-dimensional drawings and models from engineering sketches and orthographic drawings and utilization of three-dimensional models in design work. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2440. The student may register for either DFTG 2340 or DFTG 2440 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2344 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Strength of Materials
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: The study of internal effects of forces acting upon elastic bodies and the resulting changes in form and dimensions, including units on stress, shear, bending moments, and simple beam design. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2347 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Technical Animation and Rendering
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Advanced three-dimensional (3-D) modeling and rendering techniques using industry standard software. Includes organic modeling techniques, particle and volumetric effects, and setting up a model with weight maps, hierarchies, and constraints. Emphasizes advanced use of camera settings, lighting, and surface to create detailed environments. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2350 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, RLC

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, according to standards, application of various geometric dimensions and tolerances to production drawings. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2352 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Mechanical and Electrical Systems
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: The properties of building materials (assemblies), specifications, codes, vendor references and uses of mechanical, plumbing, conveying, and electrical systems as related to architecture for residential and commercial construction. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

DFTG 2356 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Advanced Printed Circuit Board Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An advanced course including the layout of surface mounted components and integrated circuit modular design, emphasizing the design and drawing layouts required to produce surface mounted components and integrated circuit modular printed circuit boards. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2374 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Integrated Circuit Design
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: Skill development in the layout of integrated circuits using current computer hardware and software. Instruction in layout technology and laboratory exercises to enable students to layout simple digital integrated circuits from schematic diagrams and design rules. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2375 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Advanced Integrated Circuit Design
This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite: DFTG 2374.
Course Description: Skill development in the layout of complex integrated circuits using current computer hardware and software. Instruction in layout technology and laboratory exercises to enable students to layout complex analog integrated circuits from schematic diagrams and design rules. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2376 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Automation Techniques for Integrated Circuit Layout
This is a Local Need Course.
Prerequisite: DFTG 2333.
Course Description: An advanced course for automated integrated circuit layout techniques. Emphasis on place and route, scripting, and other related topics. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

DFTG 2380 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Cooperative Education-Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization are offered through a cooperative agreement between the college, employer, and student. Under supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Directly related to a technical discipline, specific learning objectives guide the student through the paid work experience. (1 Lec., 20 Lab.)

DFTG 2381 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Cooperative Education-Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

DFTG 2402 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Machine Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Production of detail and assembly drawings of machines, threads, gears, utilizing tolerances, limit dimensioning, and surface finishes. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2419 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Basic Computer-Aided Drafting or the approval of the instructor.
Course Description: The fundamentals of computer aided drafting using an alternative computer aided drafting program. Emphasis is placed on drawing set-up; creating and modifying geometry; storing and retrieving predefined shapes; placing, rotating, and scaling objects; adding text and dimensions; using layers and coordinating systems; as well as using input and output devices. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2428 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Architectural Drafting-Commercial
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Architectural drafting procedures, practices, governing codes, terms and symbols including the preparation of detailed working drawings for a commercial building, with emphasis on commercial construction methods. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2328. The student may register for either DFTG 2428 or DFTG 2328 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2430 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Civil Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An in-depth study of drafting methods and principles used in civil engineering. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2431 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Technologies in Architectural Design and Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1417.
Course Description: Use of architectural specific software to execute the elements required in designing standard architectural exhibits utilizing custom features to create walls, windows and specific design requirements for construction in residential/commercial and industrial architecture. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2432 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Exploration of the use of system customization for drawing production enhancement and the principles of data manipulation. Presentation of advanced applications, such as three-dimensional objects creation and linking graphic entities to external non-graphic data. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2435 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Technologies in Mechanical Design and Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1409.
Course Description: Use parametric based mechanical design software for mechanical assembly design and drafting. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2335. The student may register for either DFTG 2335 or DFTG 2435 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2438 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Final Project–Advanced Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A drafting course in which students participate in a comprehensive project from conception to conclusion. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2440 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Solid Modeling/Design
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A computer-aided modeling course. Development of three-dimensional drawings and models from engineering sketches and orthographic drawings and utilization of three-dimensional models in design work. This course is cross-listed as DFTG 2340. The student may register for either DFTG 2440 or DFTG 2340 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

DFTG 2445 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Advanced Pipe Drafting
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A continuation of pipe drafting concepts building on the basic principles acquired in pipe drafting. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

ENGT 1401 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Circuits I for Engineering Technology
This is a Texas Common Course Number.
Prerequisite: MATH 1314, MATH 1414 or the equivalent.
Course Description: Fundamental concepts of electrical science including potential, current and power in DC circuits. Fundamental laws and relationships applied to the analysis of circuits and networks: capacitance, inductance and magnetism; and single-frequency concepts; use of calculators and computer software in design and analysis of circuits. Standard instrumentation used in test and measurement of DC circuits and systems will be introduced. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 1503035111

ENGT 1402 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Circuits II for Engineering Technology
This is a Texas Common Course Number.
Prerequisite: ENGT 1401 and either MATH 1316 or MATH 2412.
Course Description: Complex AC circuit including transient analysis. Network theorems are applied to the solution of AC circuits. Resonance, filters, AC power and three-phase circuits are covered in detail. Continued application of calculators and computer design and analysis of circuits. Standard instrumentation used in testing AC circuits and systems and measurement of AC circuits and systems will be introduced. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 1503035211

ENGT 1407 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Digital Fundamentals
This is a Texas Common Course Number.
Prerequisite: MATH 1314, MATH 1414 or the equivalent.
Course Description: Analysis, design, and simulation of combinational and sequential systems using: classical Boolean algebra techniques, laboratory hardware experiments and computer simulation. Introduction to programmable logic devices (PLDs) and application-specific integrated circuits using software tool to the design and analysis of digital logic circuits and systems. Standard instrumentation used in testing digital circuits and systems will be introduced. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 1503035311

ENTC 1191 (1 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Special Topics in Engineering Technology/Technician, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (1 Lec.)

ENTC 1291 (2 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Special Topics in Engineering Technology/Technician, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec.)

ENTC 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Robotics I
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1414 or the equivalent.
Course Description: An introduction to Robots/Automation. Topics include history, terminology, classification of robots, basic components, control systems, AC and hydraulic servomechanisms, programming, sensors, types of drive, end-of-arm tooling, end effectors, safety and design procedures. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

ENTC 1323 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at NLC

Strength of Materials
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduces the relationship between externally applied forces and internally induced stresses and the resulting deformations in structural members. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

ENTC 1343 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Explanation of forces acting on structures to create equilibrium. Includes the concepts of friction, moments, couples, centroids, and moment of inertia. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

ENTC 1380 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Cooperative Education - Engineering Technology, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

ENTC 1381 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Cooperative Education - Engineering Technology, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

ENTC 1391 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Special Topics In Engineering Technology, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

ENTC 1491 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Special Topics In Engineering Technology General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

ENTC 2301 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Robotics II
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: ENTC 1301.
Course Description: The study of industrial robots, programming languages, and software integrated to develop work cells and complete robotic systems. Topics include automation basics, interfacing, safety, and design procedures. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

ENTC 2333 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Strength Of Materials
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of the relationships between loads and mechanical properties as they apply to materials, shape, and size of structural components and the resultant stress and strain in loaded components. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

ENTC 2380 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Cooperative Education - Engineering Technology, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

ENTC 2381 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Cooperative Education - Engineering Technology, General
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. (1 Lec., 20 Ext.)

ENTC 2435 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: ENTC 2301.
Course Description: Concepts of CIM are introduced. Emphasis on using computers to automate a total manufacturing system. Hands-on experiences integrating CAD/CAM, robotics, fluid power, CNC machines, vision systems, recognition equipment, PLCs and conveyor systems. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

HYDR 1345 (3 Credit Hours) New course added July 1, 2014
Offered at RLC

Hydraulics and Pneumatics
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Discussion of the fundamentals of hydraulics and pneumatics, components of each system, and the operations, maintenance, and analysis of each system. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

HYDR 1445 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Hydraulics and Pneumatics
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1414 or the equivalent.
Course Description: Fundamentals of hydraulics and types of hydraulic pumps, cylinders, valves, motors, and related systems including operations, maintenance, and system analysis. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

INMT 1319 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Manufacturing Processes
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Exploration of a variety of methods used in manufacturing. Theory and application of processes including but not limited to metal forming, welding, machining, heat treating, plating, assembly procedures, and process control considerations, casting and injection molding. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

INMT 1343 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Computer-assisted applications in integrating engineering graphics and manufacturing. Emphasis on the conversion of a working drawing using computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software and related input and output devices to translate into machine code. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

INMT 1417 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Industrial Automation
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1405.
Course Description: A study of the applications of industrial automation systems including identification of system requirements, equipment integration, motors, controllers, and sensors. Coverage of set-up, maintenance, and testing of the automated system. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

INMT 1447 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Industrial Automation
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: CETT 1405.
Course Description: A study of the applications of industrial automation systems including identification of system requirements, equipment integration, motors, controllers, and sensors. Coverage of set-up, maintenance, and testing of the automated systems. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

INTC 1307 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Instrumentation Test Equipment
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CETT 1405.
Course Description: Theory and application of instrumentation test equipment. Emphasizes accuracy, limitations of instruments, and calibration techniques. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Beginning Machine Shop
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Fundamental machine shop safety, math, measurement, and theory of saws and drill presses. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)

MCHN 1301-old (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal I
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to the materials, tools, and techniques used in the sheet metal industry. Review of trade math problems involving measurement of lines, area, volume, weight, and geometric figures. Introduction of types and uses of hand, layout, and cutting tools along with bending and forming machines. Practice of material types and properties along with the principles of layout and metal forming. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1326 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software which is used to develop applications for manufacturing. Emphasis on tool geometry, tool selection, and the tool library. Introduction to the common types of lathes. Emphasis on basic parts, nomenclature, lathe operations, safety, machine mathematics, blueprint reading, and theory. Fundamentals of CNC Machine Controls with an emphasis on turning centers. Programming and operation of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery. The study of numerical controlled machine operations in a CAM/CIM environment. Emphasis on standard and computer numerical controlled (CNC) procedures for planning, preparing, and operating a computer-assisted machine. The principles and concepts of numerical control through computer applications, specifically in the area of programming for the control of machine tools in computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Identify and use of special cutting tools and support tooling, such as, form tools, carbide inserts, taper attachments, follower and steady rest. Close tolerance machining required. (1 Lec., 6 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

MCHN 1338 (3 Credit Hours) New course added July 1, 2014
Offered at RLC

Basic Machine Shop I
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A course that introduces the student to machining fundamentals. The student begins by using basic machine tools including the lathe, milling machine, drill press, power saw, and bench grinder. Machine terminology, theory, math, part layout, and bench work using common measuring tools is included. Emphasis is placed on shop safety, housekeeping, and preventative maintenance. (1 Lec., 6 Lab.)

MCHN 1343 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Machine Shop Mathematics
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Designed to prepare the student with technical, applied mathematics that will be necessary in future machine shop-related courses. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MCHN 1349 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal II
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: An introduction to various types of pipe and fittings. Emphasis on principles and type of fittings for radial line development are discussed and factors that influence bend allowances and calculations necessary for determining proper bend allowances. Introduction to principles of soldering roof flashings, gutters, down spouts, and sheet metal duct fabrications. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1352 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Intermediate Machining I
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: MCHN 1338.
Course Description: Operation of drilling machines, milling machines, lathes, and power saws. Select and use appropriate precision measuring tools. (1 Lec., 6 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

MCHN 1370 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal IV
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: This course covers math, insulating materials and methods of installation, layout by the triangulation method, basic piping practices, rigging and hosting. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1371 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal V
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: The course covers sheet metal duct fabrication standards, gutters and downspouts, hoods and ventilators, and flashing walls and roofs. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1372 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal VI
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: This course covers principles of air flow for HVAC systems, fiber glass and PVC duct, and introduction to welding. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1374 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal I
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: An introduction to the materials, tools, and techniques used in the sheet metal industry. Review of trade math problems involving measurement of lines, area, volume, weight, and geometric figures. Introduction of types and uses of hand, layout, and cutting tools along with bending and forming machines. Practice of material types and properties along with the principles of layout and metal forming. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1375 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal II
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: An introduction to various types of pipe and fittings. Emphasis on principles and type of fittings for radial line development are discussed and factors that influence bend allowances and calculations necessary for determining proper bend allowances. Introduction to principles of soldering roof flashings, gutters, down spouts, and sheet metal duct fabrications. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 1454 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Intermediate Machining II
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Development of job process plan to include operation of lathes, milling machines, drill press machines, and power saws. Set-up, layout, and tool maintenance is included. Emphasis on shop safety and preventative maintenance. (2 Lec., 6 Lab.)

MCHN 2335 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at RLC

Advanced CNC Machining
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 1345, MCHN 1326, MCHN 2338.
Course Description: The study of advanced CNC operations with an emphasis on programming and operations of machining and turning centers. (1 Lec., 6 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

MCHN 2338 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC, RLC

Advanced Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: DFTG 2332, MCHN 1326.
Course Description: A study of advanced techniques in Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). (1 Lec., 6 Lab.)

* Note: This Course Description includes updates that were added after it was originally published on June 9, 2014. (Original) | (Changes)

MCHN 2370 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal VII
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: The course covers sheet metal fabrication, principles of airflow, introduction to brazing and oxyfuel cutting, field measuring and fitting, incorporating blueprints and specifications. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 2371 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal VIII
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: The course studies shop production and organization, air balance, and advanced sheet metal fabrication. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 2372 (3 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Sheet Metal IX
This is a Local Need Course.
Course Description: A comprehensive review of louvers, dampers, access doors, hoods and ventilators, and fume and exhaust system design. Lab required. (2 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MCHN 2431 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC
Single-Course Delivery for EFC

Operation of CNC Turning Centers
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of CNC operations with an emphasis on turning centers. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MCHN 2434 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC
Single-Course Delivery for EFC

Operation of CNC Machining Centers
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of CNC operations with an emphasis on vertical machining centers. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MCHN 2441 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Advanced Machining I
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: A study of advanced lathe and milling operations. Emphasis on advanced cutting operations of the lathe and milling machines, including the use of special tooling, bench assembly, and materials identification. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MCHN 2445 (4 Credit Hours)
Course not offered this year at any colleges of DCCCD.

Advanced Machining II
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Advanced milling, grinding, and lathe operations to close tolerance dimensions. Emphasis on job planning and advanced uses of precision measuring instruments. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MFGT 1302 (3 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Introduction to Automated Manufacturing
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: This course is an overview of automated manufacturing principles. It includes coverage of manufacturing process, control systems, and measurement theory. Students will identify terminology and fundamental concepts of manufacturing; describe the trends of manufacturing careers within the industry cluster; identify safety, health, environmental, and ergonomic issues in manufacturing; discuss quality and continuous improvement methods; describe the importance of maintenance within manufacturing; and identify processes and production steps in manufacturing. (2 Lec., 4 Lab.)

MFGT 1404 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Automated Manufacturing
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: This course is an introduction to electrical and electronic principles utilized in automated manufacturing processes. Students will describe microcontroller applications in manufacturing; identify electrical/electronic components, circuits, and schematics/diagrams used in manufacturing; describe operations and applications of sensors and actuators used in manufacturing; apply interfacing techniques used in manufacturing; and apply programming techniques used with microcontrollers. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MFGT 1406 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Mechanical Principles in Automated Manufacturing
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: This course is an overview of mechanical principles used in automated manufacturing. Topics covered include common measurement methods, engineering drawings, and mechanical methods used in automated manufacturing. Students will apply measurement techniques used in manufacturing; interpret engineering drawings used in product data management; identify mechanical systems and equipment used in advanced manufacturing; identify safety issues in manufacturing; describe hand tools and maintenance issues of manufacturing; demonstrate material assembly; and describe operations and applications of pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, hydraulic, and electro-hydraulic controls. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MFGT 1491 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC

Special Topics in Manufacturing Technology/Technician
This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: MFGT 1459.
Course Description: This is a course in programmable logic controllers as used in industrial environments including intermediate concepts, programming, applications, troubleshooting of ladder logic, and interfacing of equipment. The students will demonstrate an understanding of terminology; select hardware components; predict PLC operation based on ladder logic diagrams; program a PLC to perform various control functions. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

MFGT 2459 (4 Credit Hours)
Offered at EFC, MVC

Industrial Automation II
This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Advanced topics in automated manufacturing. Includes electrical and electronic principles, electro-pneumatic and electro-hydraulic controls, logic control methods, and basic programming techniques. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)

Academic Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for transfer among community colleges and state public four year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.

© 2025 Dallas County Community College District.