Effective Summer 2020, Dallas County Community College District became Dallas College. The seven colleges of DCCCD are now one college under the new college name.
The new college now has one main catalog website but includes seven campus filters that allow you to sort the catalog to view which degrees, certificates or courses are offered on each campus.
The catalog is published annually but is modified periodically throughout the five-year-shelf life of a catalog. Catalogs are classified as Current, Active or Historic.
Summer 2020 - Forward: There is one catalog with seven filters.
Fall 2002 - Spring 2020: In Fall 2002, the online catalog became the official catalog of the colleges although a print catalog was still published until Summer 2006. There was one combined catalog and seven individual college catalogs.
Fall 1966 - Summer 2002: Print catalog was the official catalog of the colleges.
Contact campus registrars regarding previous course work taken at Dallas College or taken at any previously known colleges of Dallas County Community College District.
| Brookhaven CampusBHC
| Cedar Valley CampusCVC
| Eastfield CampusEFC
| El Centro CampusECC
| Mountain View CampusMVC
| North Lake CampusNLC
| Richland CampusRLC
| Dallas CollegeAll
2005-2006 (Two-year catalog 2004-2006) |
2004-2005 (Two-year catalog 2004-2006) |
2003-2004 |
2002-2003 (First year for a web-based online version of the catalog) |
2001-2002 |
2000-2001 |
| Brookhaven CampusBHC
| Cedar Valley CampusCVC
| Eastfield CampusEFC
| El Centro CampusECC
| Mountain View CampusMVC
| North Lake CampusNLC
| Richland CampusRLC
| Dallas CollegeAll
1999-2000 (WECM catalog contains Program and Course listings for this year.) |
1998-1999 |
1997-1998 |
1996-1997 |
1995-1996 (Crosswalk of New to Old Courses) |
1994-1995 |
1993-1994 |
1992-1993 |
1991-1992 |
1990-1991 |
| Brookhaven CampusBHC
| Cedar Valley CampusCVC
| Eastfield CampusEFC
| El Centro CampusECC
| Mountain View CampusMVC
| North Lake CampusNLC
| Richland CampusRLC
| Dallas CollegeAll
1989-1990 |
1988-1989 |
1987-1988 |
1986-1987 |
1985-1986 |
1984-1985 |
1983-1984 (CVC and combined catalogs were two-year catalogs for 1982-1984) |
1982-1983 (CVC and combined catalogs were two-year catalogs for 1982-1984) |
1981-1982 1 |
1980-1981 |
| Brookhaven CampusBHC
| Cedar Valley CampusCVC
| Eastfield CampusEFC
| El Centro CampusECC
| Mountain View CampusMVC
| North Lake CampusNLC
| Richland CampusRLC
| Dallas CollegeAll
1979-1980 |
1978-1979 2 |
1977-1978 3 |
1976-1977 |
1975-1976 |
1974-1975 |
1973-1974 |
1972-1973 4 |
1971-1972 |
1970-1971 5 |
| Brookhaven CampusBHC
| Cedar Valley CampusCVC
| Eastfield CampusEFC
| El Centro CampusECC
| Mountain View CampusMVC
| North Lake CampusNLC
| Richland CampusRLC
| Dallas CollegeAll
1969-1970 |
1968-1969 |
1967-1968 |
1966-1967 6 |
1 |
1981-1982 was the first year a combined printed catalog was published for the colleges of DCCCD.
2 |
1978-1979 was the first year Brookhaven Campus produced a catalog.
3 |
1977-1978 was the first year Cedar Valley Campus produced a catalog. 1977-1978 was the first year North Lake Campus produced a catalog.
4 |
1972-1973 was the first year Richland Campus produced a catalog.
5 |
1970-1971 was the first year Eastfield Campus produced a catalog. 1970-1971 was the first year Mountain View Campus produced a catalog.
6 |
1966-1967 was the first year El Centro Campus produced a catalog.