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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog

2023 - 2024 Catalog
Program: Radiologic Sciences
Title: Vascular Interventional Advanced Technical Certificate

Note: This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible. For more information, please visit:

(Advanced Technical Certificate)

Brookhaven campus only
  • Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
  • Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.

Degree Plan Code: ATC.RAD.VAS.INTV

This program prepares the student to further their radiologic science career with a specialty in vascular interventional radiography. The VIR technologist uses radiation and advanced patient care skills to produce vascular images of the patient which are used by the physician to make a diagnosis. For the vast majority of the diagnostic procedures, the VIR technologist has total responsibility for the care and well-being of the patient and must be prepared to produce quality images with care and empathy.

This program is for graduates or students in their last semester of a radiography program and/or are registered radiographer by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and Certified Medical Radiologic Technologist licensed by the Texas Department of Health.

Course Course Title Credit Hours
RADR 2340 Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imaging 3
Prerequisite Total 3
Course Course Title Credit Hours
VIRT 2340 Advanced Patient Care and Pathophysiology for Interventional Radiology 3
VIRT 1310 Principles of Interventional Radiology 1 3
VIRT 2164 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Vascular Interventional Technology/Science 1
Semester Total 7
Course Course Title Credit Hours
VIRT 2310 Principles of Interventional Radiology 2 3
VIRT 1320 Interventional Radiology Equipment and Methodology 3
VIRT 2364 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Vascular Interventional Technology/Science 3
Semester Total 9
Course Course Title Credit Hours
VIRT 2330 Advanced Vascular Interventional Procedures 3
VIRT 2265 Practicum (or Field Experience)-Vascular Interventional Technology/Science 2
Semester Total 5
Minimum Hours Required 24

NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.