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2023 - 2024 Catalog
Course Descriptions for Associate Degree Nursing

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Course Number: RNSG 1105 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Nursing Skills I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: ENGL 1301; BIOL 2401; RNSG 1301 OR RNSG 1311; MATH 1314 OR MATH 1342; Admission to the Professional Nursing Program.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1413, RNSG 1360.
Course Description: Study of the concepts and principles necessary to perform basic nursing skills for the adult patient; and demonstrate competence in the performance of nursing procedures. Content includes knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. This course lends itself to a blocked approach. (4 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1118 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Transition to Professional Nursing Competencies

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Transition Semester.
Course Description: Transition to professional nursing competencies in the care of patients throughout the lifespan. Validates proficiency in psychomotor skills and clinical reasoning in the performance of nursing procedures related to the concepts of: clinical judgment, comfort, elimination, fluid and electrolytes, nutrition, gas exchange, safety, functional ability, immunity, metabolism, mobility, and tissue integrity. Includes health assessment and medication administration. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1125 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing Concepts I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Course Description: Introduction to professional nursing concepts and exemplars within the professional nursing roles: member of profession, provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, and member of the health care team. Content includes clinical judgment, communication, ethical-legal, evidenced-based practice, health promotion, health information technology, patient-centered care, patient education, professionalism, safety, and team/collaboration. Emphasizes role development of the professional nurse. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (1 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1126 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing Concepts II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1125.
Course Description: Expanding professional nursing concepts and exemplars within the professional nursing roles. Applying concepts of clinical judgment, ethical-legal, evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, professionalism, safety, and team/collaboration to the exemplars presented in the Health Care Concepts II course. Introduces concepts of leadership and management. Emphasizes role development of the professional nurse. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (1 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1128 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Introduction to Health Care Concepts

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Course Description: An introduction to concept-based learning with emphasis on selected pathophysiological concepts with nursing applications. Concepts include acid-base balance, fluid and electrolytes, immunity, gas exchange, perfusion, metabolism, coping, and tissue integrity. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. (1 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1137 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing Concepts III

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1126.
Course Description: Application of professional nursing concepts and exemplars within the professional nursing roles. Utilizes concepts of clinical judgment, ethical-legal, evidenced-based practice, patient-centered care, professionalism, safety, teamwork and collaboration. Introduces the concepts of quality improvement, health information technology, and health care organizations. Incorporates concepts into role development of the professional nurse. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (1 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1144 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Nursing Skills II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1413; RNSG 1105; RNSG 1360.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1441, RNSG 2362.
Course Description: Study of the concepts and principles necessary to perform intermediate or advanced nursing skills for the adult patient and demonstrate competence in the performance of nursing procedures. Content includes knowledge, judgment, skills and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. This course lends itself to a blocked approach. (4 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1160 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Professional Nursing Program or administrative approval.
Course Description: A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 1161 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Professional Nursing Program; SCIT 1407 or BIOL 2401, PSYC 2301, ENGL 1301, MATH 1314 and HPRS 1204 making a grade of "C " or better.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1271, RNSG 1170, RNSG 1470, RNSG 1171, SCIT 1408, BIOL 2402, PSYC 2314.
Course Description: A health-related, work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 1216 (2 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing Competencies

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Course Description: Development of professional nursing competencies in the care of patients throughout the lifespan. Emphasizes psychomotor skills and clinical reasoning in the performance of nursing procedures related to the concepts of: clinical judgment, comfort, elimination, fluid and electrolytes, nutrition, gas exchange, safety, functional ability, immunity, metabolism, mobility, and tissue integrity. Includes health assessment and medication administration. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. This course takes place in a laboratory setting. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (8 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Pharmacology

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Introduction to the science of pharmacology with emphasis on the actions, interactions, adverse effects, and nursing implications of each drug classification. Topics include the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in safe administration of medications within a legal/ethical framework. Note that prior to applying to the nursing program, this course must be completed in addition to BIOL 2401, ENGL 1301, MATH 1314 or MATH 1342, and passing the required dosage calculations exam with a minimum score of 90%. To apply to the nursing program, it is required that a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher is achieved in the four prerequisite courses of the nursing program. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (3 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1311 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Nursing Pathophysiology

This is a WECM Course Number.
Course Description: Basic principles of pathophysiology emphasizing nursing applications. Topics include principles of homeostasis related to body systems. Note that prior to applying to the nursing program, this course must be completed in addition to BIOL 2401, ENGL 1301, MATH 1314 or MATH 1342, and passing the required dosage calculations exam with a minimum score of 90%. To apply to the nursing program, it is required that a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher is achieved in the four prerequisite courses of the nursing program. (3 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1324 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Concept-Based Transition to Professional Nursing Practice

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Course Description: Integration of previous health care knowledge and skills into the role development of the professional nurse as a provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of the profession. Emphasis is on clinical decision-making for patients and their families. Review of selected health care and professional nursing concepts with application through exemplars. Health care concepts include comfort, diversity, elimination, functional ability, human development, mobility, nutrition, sensory perception, sleep, coping, thermoregulation, tissue integrity, acid-base balance, clotting, cognition, fluid and electrolyte balance, gas exchange, immunity, metabolism, nutrition, grief, and perfusion. Professional nursing concepts include clinical judgment, communication, ethical-legal, evidence-based practice, health promotion, health information technology, patient-centered care, patient education, professionalism, safety, teamwork and collaboration. Introduces concepts of leadership and management. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (3 Lec.,1 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1360 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: ENGL 1301; BIOL 2401; RNSG 1301 OR RNSG 1311; MATH 1314 OR MATH 1342; Admission to the Professional Nursing Program.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1413, RNSG 1105.
Course Description: A health-related work-based learning experience in a medical-surgical setting that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. (12 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 1362 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is not currently offered by North Lake Campus.
Listed by Campus(es): BHC

Course Title: Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Professional Nursing Program or administrative approval.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1105, RNSG 1413.
Course Description: A health-related work-based clinical experience in a medical-surgical adult setting that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/Certification Agency: Board of Nursing (BON). (12 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 1413 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Foundations for Nursing Practice

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: ENGL 1301; BIOL 2401; RNSG 1301 OR RNSG 1311; MATH 1314 OR MATH 1342; Admission to the Professional Nursing Program.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1105, RNSG 1360.
Course Description: This course introduces the role of the professional nurse as provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of the profession. Content includes fundamental concepts of nursing practice, history of professional nursing, and a systematic framework for decision-making and critical thinking. The mechanisms of disease and the needs and problems that can arise are discussed and how the nursing process helps manage the patient through these issues. Emphasis is on knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Licensing/Certification Agency: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1430 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Health Care Concepts I

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Recommended: Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Course Description: In-depth coverage of foundational health care concepts with application through selected exemplars. Concepts include comfort, diversity, elimination, functional ability, human development, mobility, nutrition, sensory perception, sleep, thermoregulation, grief, and tissue integrity. Emphasizes development of clinical judgment skills in the beginning nurse. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Lec., 1 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 1441 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Common Concepts of Adult Health

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1413; RNSG 1105; RNSG 1360.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1144, RNSG 2362.
Course Description: Basic integration of the role of the professional nurse as a provider of patient-centered care, coordinator of care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of profession. Study of the common concepts of caring for adult patients and families with medical-surgical health care needs related to body systems, emphasizing knowledge, judgment, skills and professional values within legal/ethical framework. Study of the general principles of caring for selected adult clients and families in structured settings with common medical-surgical health care needs related to each body system. Emphasis on knowledge judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Licensing/Certification Agency: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1443 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Complex Concepts of Adult Health

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1160; RNSG 2213; RNSG 2208; RNSG 2161; RNSG 2201; RNSG 2160.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2360, RNSG 2121.
Course Description: Integration of previous knowledge and skills related to common adult health needs into the continued development of the professional nurse as a provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of the health care team, and member of a profession in the care of adult patients and families with complex medical-surgical health care needs associated with body systems. Emphasis on complex knowledge, judgments, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Licensing/Certification Agency: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1533 (5 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Health Care Concepts II

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1430.
Course Description: In-depth coverage of health care concepts with application through selected exemplars. Concepts include acid-base balance, coping, clotting, cognition, fluid and electrolytes, gas exchange, immunity, metabolism, nutrition, comfort, and perfusion. Provides continuing opportunities for development of clinical judgment skills. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (5 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 1538 (5 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Health Care Concepts III

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1533.
Course Description: In-depth coverage of health care concepts with nursing application through selected exemplars. Concepts include cellular regulation, end of life, immunity, interpersonal relationships, grief, human development, intracranial regulation, mood/affect, comfort, sexuality, mobility, and reproduction. Provides continuing opportunities for development of clinical judgment skills. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (5 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 2121 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1160; RNSG 2213; RNSG 2208; RNSG 2161; RNSG 2201; RNSG 2160.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1443, RNSG 2360.
Course Description: Exploration of leadership and management principles applicable to the roles of the professional nurse. Includes application of knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. This course lends itself to a blocked approach. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (1 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 2138 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Professional Nursing Concepts IV

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1137.
Course Description: Integration of professional nursing concepts and exemplars within the professional nursing roles. Synthesizes concepts of clinical judgment, ethical-legal, evidence-based practice, leadership and management, patient-centered care, professionalism, teamwork, and collaboration through exemplars presented in the Health Care Concepts courses. Emphasizes concept of quality improvement and introduces health policy. Incorporates concepts into role development of the professional nurse. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (1 Lec., 1 Lab.)

Course Number: RNSG 2160 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1144; RNSG 1441; RNSG 2362.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2201.
Course Description: A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 2161 (1 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1144; RNSG 1441; RNSG 2362.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2208.
Course Description: A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (4 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 2201 (2 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Care of Children and Families

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1144; RNSG 1441; RNSG 2362.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2160.
Course Description: Study of concepts related to the provision of nursing care for children and their families, emphasizing judgment, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. This course lends itself to a blocked approach. (2 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 2208 (2 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Maternal/Newborn Nursing and Women's Health

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1144; RNSG 1441; RNSG 2362.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2161.
Course Description: Study of concepts related to the provision of nursing care for normal childbearing families and those at risk, as well as women's health issues; competency in knowledge, judgment, skill, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework, including a focus on normal and high-risk needs for the childbearing family during the preconception, prenatal, intrapartum, neonatal, and postpartum periods; and consideration of selected issues in women's health. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (2 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 2213 (2 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Mental Health Nursing

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1144; RNSG 1441; RNSG 2362.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1160.
Course Description: Principles and concepts of mental health, psychopathology, and treatment modalities relating to the nursing care of clients and their families. Emphasis is on assessment, communication techniques, promotion of mental health, caring, ethical/legal aspects, collaborative roles of nurse in a variety of settings. Content includes applicable competencies in basic workplace skills. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (2 Lec.)

Course Number: RNSG 2360 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1160; RNSG 2213; RNSG 2208; RNSG 2161; RNSG 2201; RNSG 2160.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1443, RNSG 2121.
Course Description: A health-related work-based clinical experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/Certification: Board of Nursing (BON). (12 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 2362 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1413; RNSG 1105; RNSG 1360.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 1144, RNSG 1441.
Course Description: A health related clinical work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply nursing theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. The course utilizes systematic problem-solving process and critical thinking skills to provide nursing care of adults with common care needs in diverse health care settings. Focus is on health promotion, work, and critical thinking skills. Emphasis is on performance of an adult assessment, pharmacotherapeutic interventions, and the collaboration in course-related and basic workplace interventions. Licensing/Certification Agency: Board of Nursing (BON). (12 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 2363 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Clinical-Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite: RNSG 2572, RNSG 2172, RNSG 2362, BIOL 2420 making a grade of "C" or better.
Corequisite/Concurrent: RNSG 2573 and RNSG 2173.
Course Description: A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (12 Ext.)

Course Number: RNSG 2539 (5 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): ECC, NLC

Course Title: Health Care Concepts IV

This is a WECM Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: RNSG 1538.
Course Description: In-depth coverage of advanced health care concepts with nursing application through selected exemplars. Concepts include, cognition, immunity, clotting, fluid and electrolyte balance, gas exchange, metabolism, nutrition, perfusion, tissue integrity, and interpersonal relationships. Continuing development of clinical judgment with integration of all health care concepts. This course lends itself to a concept-based approach. Licensing/certification Agency: Texas Board of Nursing (BON). (5 Lec.)

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.