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2023 - 2024 Dallas College Catalog
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2023 - 2024 Catalog
Course Descriptions for GEOL

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Course Number: GEOL 1401 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Course Description: Survey of geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy. Laboratory activities will cover methods used to collect and analyze data in geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4006015103

Course Number: GEOL 1402 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Prerequisite Required: GEOL 1401 or GEOL 1403.
Course Description: This course continues the study of the earth system, focusing on natural resources, environmental hazards, and climate variability. Laboratory activities will focus on methods used to collect and analyze data related to natural resources, hazards, and climate variability. This course may be conducted as a field course. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4006015103

Course Number: GEOL 1403 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Physical Geology

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Course Description: Introduction to the study of the materials (such as rocks and minerals) and processes that have modified and shaped the surface and interior of the Earth over time (such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and glaciers). These processes are described by theories based on experimental and geologic data gathered from field and laboratory observations. Laboratory activities will cover methods used to collect and analyze earth science data. This is a transferable course intended for those seeking to complete any Bachelor's Degree. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4006015403

Course Number: GEOL 1404 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Historical Geology

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Prerequisite Required: GEOL 1403.
Course Description: This course is a comprehensive survey of the history of life (including dinosaurs, mass extinction events, and the origins of humanity) and the major events in physical development of Earth (such as the origin of the Earth and moon, breakup of Pangaea, and the ice ages) as interpreted from rocks and fossils. Laboratory activities will introduce methods used by scientists to interpret the history of life and major events in the physical development of Earth from rocks and fossils. This is a transferable course intended for those seeking to complete any Bachelor's Degree. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4006015403

Course Number: GEOL 1405 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Environmental Science

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Course Description: A survey of the forces, including humans, that shape our physical and biologic environment, and how they affect life on Earth. Introduction to the science and policy of global and regional environmental issues, including pollution, climate change, and sustainability of land, water, and energy resources. Laboratory activities will cover methods used to collect and analyze environmental data. This course is cross-listed as ENVR 1401. The student may register for either GEOL 1405 or ENVR 1401 but may receive credit for only one of the two. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 0301035301

Course Number: GEOL 1445 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Oceanography

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Course Description: Survey of oceanography and related sciences. Climate change, human impacts (pollution and oil spills), marine life (like sharks and coral reefs), marine hazards (tsunamis and hurricanes), as well as Deep-Sea environments (underwater volcanoes and trenches) and other related topics are covered. This is a transferable course intended for those seeking to complete any Bachelor's Degree. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4006075303

Course Number: GEOL 1447 (4 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, ECC, MVC, NLC

Course Title: Meteorology

This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.
Course Description: Survey of meteorology and related sciences. Topics covered include composition and structure of the atmosphere, interaction of the ocean and atmosphere, climate, hazards of severe weather, and methods of forecasting weather. (3 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 4004015103

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.