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2023 - 2024 Catalog
Course Descriptions for CDEC 1318

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Course Number: CDEC 1318 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Wellness of the Young Child

This is a WECM Course Number.
Corequisite/Concurrent: Students will be required to submit to and pass a criminal background search by the certification date as prescribed by the program and college. Failure to comply will result in the student being dropped from the course.
Course Description: Factors impacting the well-being of young children. Includes healthy behavior, food, nutrition, fitness, and safety practices. Focuses on local and national standards and legal implications of relevant policies and regulations. Course content is aligned with State Board of Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards. Requires students to participate in a minimum of 16 hours field experience with children from infancy through age 12 in a variety of settings with varied and diverse populations. (3 Lec.)

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.