2021 - 2022 Catalog
Course Descriptions for ESOL 0031
List of all ESOL courses
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) credit curriculum is designed to develop a student's pre-academic language proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The plan of study consists of sixteen courses divided into four proficiency levels and four skill areas (Listening-Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar). The credit curriculum is designed to interface both with other ESOL programs and with developmental studies or college level programs on each campus. A student enters this program by taking an English placement test and then by being advised by a specially trained ESOL academic advisor.
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC
Course Title: (Listening/Speaking)
Course Description: These courses prepare students to communicate orally in both public and academic environments. Emphasis is placed on developing language functions, pronunciation, and listening skills, and improving social and intercultural communication skills. Activities range from one-on-one conversation and brief descriptions to formal oral presentations and debates.El programa de credito academico de Ingles Como Segundo Idioma ESOL esta diseƱado para desarrollar el dominio del idioma pre-academico del estudiante en las areas de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. El plan de estudio consiste en dieciseis cursos divididos en cuatro niveles de dominio y cuatro areas de habilidades (Escuchar/Hablar, Lectura, Escritura y Gramatica). El programa de credito academico esta disenado para complementar otros programas de ESOL y con los estudios de desarrollo o programas de nivel universitario de cada campus. El estudiante comienza este programa al tomar un examen de clasificacion y despues de una entrevista individual con un asesor academico entrenado especialmente en ESOL.
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC
Course Title: ESOL Listening/Speaking
Course Description: Estos cursos preparan al alumno para comunicarse con confianza en situaciones sociales y academicas. Se desarollan las varias funciones del lenguaje, se mejora la pronunciacion y comprension auditiva y se practica la comunicacion academica y transcultural. Las actividades didacticas incluyen describir lugares y objetos, proyectos en grupo, presentaciones orales y debates formales.Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC
Course Title: ESOL Listening/Speaking
Prerequisite Recommended: Appropriate assessment. This course focuses on developing basic social and pre-academic listening and speaking skills. It includes skills such as understanding and giving descriptions, directions, and explanations, and listening for main ideas. Conversation conventions are practiced as well as non-verbal communication skills. Pronunciation and listening for discrimination are introduced through the study of basic phonetic segments and intonation patterns.Course Description: This course focuses on developing basic social and pre-academic listening and speaking skills. It includes skills such as understanding and giving descriptions, directions, and explanations, and listening for main ideas. Conversation conventions are practiced as well as non-verbal communication skills. Pronunciation and listening for discrimination are introduced through the study of basic phonetic segments and intonation patterns. (1 Lec., 3 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 3201085512
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.
WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses
Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.