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Course Descriptions for EDUC 1301

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Course Number: EDUC 1301 (3 Credit Hours)
Listed by Campus(es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

Course Title: Introduction to the Teaching Profession

This is a Texas Common Course Number.
Prerequisite Required: College level ready in Reading.
Corequisite/Concurrent: Students may be required to submit to a criminal background search at any school or child care facility where they observe orparticipate to complete required coursework. Failure to pass the search will result in the student being dropped from the course and/or program.
Course Description: An enriched, integrated pre-service course and content experience that provides active recruitment and institutional support of students interested in a teaching career, especially in high need fields. The course provides students with opportunities to participate in early field observations at all levels of P-12 schools with varied and diverse student populations and provides students with support from college and school faculty, preferably in small cohort groups, for the purpose of introduction to and analysis of the culture of schooling and classrooms. Course content should be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards. Course must include a minimum of 16-contact hours of field experience in P-12 classrooms. (2 Lec., 2 Lab.)
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 1301015109

ACGM (Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for general academic transfer among community, state, and technical colleges in Texas; and state public four-year colleges and universities as freshman and sophomore general education courses.

WECM (Workforce Education Course Manual) Courses

Designated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as workforce education (technical) courses offered for credit and CEUs (Continuing Education Units). While these courses are designed to transfer among state community colleges, they are not designed to automatically transfer to public four-year colleges and universities.