2020 - 2021 Catalog
Program: Mortgage Banking

(Level 1 Certificate)
- Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
- Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.
Degree Plan Code: C1.MORTBNK.DES.17
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BUSI 1307 | Personal Finance | 3 |
BNKG 1353 | Mortgage Lending | 3 |
RELE 1324 | Loan Origination and Quality Control | 3 |
BUSI 1301 | Business Principles | 3 |
SPCH 1311 | Introduction to Speech Communication OR | 3 |
SPCH 1315 | Public Speaking | (3) |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 2372 | Loan Underwriting | 3 |
BNKG 1359 | Loan Servicing | 3 |
BNKG 1370 | Loan Closing: Shipping and Warehousing | 3 |
BNKG 1191 | Special Topics in Banking and Financial Support Services | 1 |
BNKG 1280 | Cooperative Education-Banking and Financial Support Services | 2 |
+Elective | Elective list (one course) | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Minimum Hours Required | 30 |
+Elective - must be selected from the following:
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ACCT 2301 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACNT 1303 | Introduction to Accounting 1 | 3 |
BMGT 1327 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BNKG 1351 | Selling Bank/Financial Products and Services | 3 |
BNKG 1356 | Analyzing Financial Statements | 3 |
BKNG 1358 | Secondary Market | 3 |
BNKG 1371 | Basics of FHA Direct Endorsement Underwriting | 3 |
BNKG 1380 | Cooperative Education-Banking and Financial Support Services | 3 |
BUSG 1303 | Principles of Finance | 3 |
BUSG 1304 | Financial Literacy | 3 |
IBUS 2339 | International Banking and Trade Finance | 3 |
MATH 1324 | Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences | 3 |
MRKG 1301 | Customer Relationship Management | 3 |
RELE 1301 | Principles of Real Estate 1 | 3 |
RELE 1311 | Law of Contracts | 3 |
RELE 1319 | Real Estate Finance | 3 |
NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.

(Level 1 Certificate)
(Block Scheduling available on North Lake Campus)
- Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
- Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.
Degree Plan Code: C1.MORTBNK.FINSER.15
This award prepares students seeking employment in banking, mortgage lending and servicing, retail credit and collections, finance, insurances, real estate and stock brokerage. The primary focus of this award is on developing a life-term financial plan as well as the evaluation of various investments.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 1340 | Money and Financial Markets | 3 |
BUSI 1307 | Personal Finance | 3 |
MRKG 1301 | Customer Relationship Management OR | 3 |
BUSG 1304 | Financial Literacy OR | (3) |
BUSI 1301 | Business Principles | (3) |
+Elective | (one course from list) | 3 |
Semester Total | 12 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 1280 | Cooperative Education - Banking and Financial Support Services | 2 |
+Elective | (one course from list) | 3 |
Semester Total | 5 |
Minimum Hours Required | 17 |
+Electives - must be selected from the following:
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ACCT 2301 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACNT 1303 | Introduction to Accounting 1 | 3 |
BNKG 1351 | Selling Bank/Financial Products and Services | 3 |
BNKG 1353 | Mortgage Lending | 3 |
BNKG 1356 | Analyzing Financial Statements | 3 |
BUSG 1303 | Principles of Finance | 3 |
BUSG 1304 | Financial Literacy | 3 |
IBUS 2339 | International Banking and Trade Finance | 3 |
RELE 1301 | Principles of Real Estate 1 | 3 |
RELE 1324 | Loan Origination and Quality Control | 3 |
NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.

(Associate of Applied Science Degree)
(Block Scheduling available on North Lake Campus)
- Students pursuing this award program are required to meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards and course prerequisites.
- Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.
Degree Plan Code: AAS.MORTBNK.15
This program is designed to develop the skills and knowledge necessary so that a graduate may advance in career paths appropriate to that person's own particular interests and abilities in the field of mortgage banking. In addition to the specific technical skills and knowledge required to originate, process and manage mortgage loans, the graduate will have covered skills in other areas such as real estate, planning and organization, problem solving and decision making, communication, accounting and business.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
RELE 1301 | Principles of Real Estate 1 | 3 |
BUSI 1307 | Personal Finance | 3 |
BNKG 1353 | Mortgage Lending | 3 |
ENGL 1301 | Composition 1 | 3 |
MATH 1324 | Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 1340 | Money and Financial Markets | 3 |
RELE 1324 | Loan Origination and Quality Control | 3 |
SPCH 1311 | Introduction to Speech Communication OR | 3 |
SPCH 1315 | Public Speaking | (3) |
+Elective | Humanities/Fine Arts | 3 |
++Elective | (one course from list) | 3 |
Semester Total | 15 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
RELE 1338 | Principles of Real Estate 2 OR | 3 |
BNKG 1358 | Secondary Market | (3) |
BNKG 1370 | Loan Closing: Shipping and Warehousing | 3 |
BUSI 1301 | Business Principles | 3 |
BNKG 1191 | Special Topics in Banking and Financial Support Services | 1 |
++Elective | (two courses from list) | 6 |
Semester Total | 16 |
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 1359 | Loan Servicing | 3 |
BNKG 1280 | Cooperative Education-Banking and Financial Support Services | 2 |
BNKG 2372 | Loan Underwriting | 3 |
ECON 2301 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
+++Elective | 3 | |
Semester Total | 14 |
Minimum Hours Required | 60 |
+Humanities/Fine Arts Elective - must be selected from the AAS Core Options for Humanities/Fine Arts.
++Electives - must select THREE from the following:
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ACCT 2301 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACNT 1303 | Introduction to Accounting 1 | 3 |
BMGT 1327 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BNKG 1351 | Selling Bank/Financial Products and Services | 3 |
BNKG 1356 | Analyzing Financial Statements | 3 |
BNKG 1358 | Secondary Market | 3 |
BNKG 1371 | Basics of FHA Direct Endorsement Underwriting | 3 |
BNKG 1380 | Cooperative Education-Banking and Financial Support Services | 3 |
BUSG 1303 | Principles of Finance | 3 |
BUSG 1304 | Financial Literacy | 3 |
ECON 2302 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
IBUS 2339 | International Banking and Trade Finance | 3 |
MRKG 1301 | Customer Relationship Management | 3 |
RELE 1311 | Law of Contracts | 3 |
RELE 1319 | Real Estate Finance | 3 |
RELE 1323 | Real Estate Computer Application | 3 |
+++Elective - must be selected from the following:
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BNKG 1381 | Cooperative Education - Banking and Financial Support Services | 3 |
BNKG 1391 | Special Topics in Banking and Financial Support Services | 3 |
NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.

(Level 1 Certificate)
(Block Scheduling available on North Lake Campus)
- Students pursuing this certificate are waived from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standards, but must meet course prerequisites.
- Complete at least 25% of the credit hours required for graduation through instruction by Dallas College.
Degree Plan Code: C1.MORTBNK.INTERN
The Mortgage Banking Intern Certificate provides students with an extensive look at the mortgage banking industry from loan origination to completion and the laws and regulations to follow throughout the process. It helps prepare them for entry-level employment in various industry functions and related fields for career advancement including: Residential mortgage loan officers, processors, underwriters, servicing specialists, appraisers, closing specialists, and risk analysts.
Course | Course Title | Credit Hours |
RELE 1324 | Loan Origination and Quality Control | 3 |
BNKG 2372 | Loan Underwriting | 3 |
BNKG 1359 | Loan Servicing | 3 |
BNKG 1370 | Loan Closing: Shipping and Warehousing | 3 |
BNKG 1353 | Mortgage Lending | 3 |
BNKG 1191 | Special Topics in Banking and Financial Support Services | 1 |
Semester Total | 16 |
Minimum Hours Required | 16 |
NOTE: Students enrolling in this program who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult an advisor or counselor regarding transfer requirements and the transferability of these courses to the four-year institution of their choice.